Dan X Phil

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Originally created: 2/27/16
Dan X Phil (Phan)
Fandom: Danisnotonfire and

I am sorry if you don't ship it but I DO SO



    Phil's POV

   It was a sunny afternoon. I basically had nothing to do, so why not bother Dan? I ran into Dan's room, and slammed the door open.
   "Dan! I'm having an existential crisis!" I yelled, and Dan just raised an eyebrow from where he was on his bed, his laptop in front of him. "And what may that crisis be?" I paused for dramatic effect, giggling internally.
   "I'm bored."

  Dan sighed. "Then entertain yourself!" Then, be turned his attention back to the computer. I sighed dramatically and rolled onto Dan, placing his laptop on the ground. I felt my face grow red, and Dan's seemed to get red as well.
    "Entertain me!" I shouted, and a smirk grew on Dan's face.
    "Oh I'll entertain you..." Then, Dan started to tickle me. I started to laugh hysterically, and I saw Dan above me, with a smile on his face. When he let me breathe, him and I had a faint smile on our faces. The next thing Dan did surprised me. Since my head was in his lap, he reached down and pecked me on the lips. My eyes widened. Dan just winked, and grabbed his laptop, and placed it on my chest.


Sorry it's so short! I'm already getting writers block and I have not been having the best day.


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