A/N or The Official Request Page!

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Hello Internet! XP

This is ZoeHerondale17 once again, with another fanfic thingie!

So this is the page you request on!

You can request for the following fandoms:

•Harry Potter
•Percy Jackson
•The Outsiders
•Mortal Instruments
•The Infernal Devices
•Wings of Fire
•The Maze Runner
•Food People
•Ouran High School Host Club
•Dan and Phil

I will not be doing the following fandoms, me not being apart of them:

•Hunger Games
•Stuff that I basically did not list

But you may request, and if it isn't written but I forgot to include it, I will do it!

Also, this will consist of some ships, some X Readers, some mini-stories.

A bit for everyone!

Now please carry on and enjoy!

Can't wait to get the first one up!


Fandom Oneshots/ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang