-You ok, Riles? Sam asks with a smug face. I look at her, then try a glance at Silver again but .. fail. I feel heat spread all over my face as she comes closer. Her parfume, or whatever it is, blows the rest of my mind out. I bend down to try to slow my tension. I am sooo lame! I don't get it, I'm athletic and shit, what's the matter with my heart?

-Riley? Silver calls me I can hear a hint of disappointement in her voice. No no no! I didn't mean to hurt you! It's just that .. her beauty is not something a dude such as me can get used to that quickly.

-What you do to me... I say under my breath hoping she didn't hear it. I still can't face her but I'm sure she is frowing at me.

Wanting to take this frown off her face I pull out the gift that I got for her: a neckless with an angel pendant on it, bearing a pair of sparky wings. It's made of silver, obviously. Because I'm just so original.

I wanted to get her white gold but my sister told me «too expensive gift before you even go out together seems really desperate». I changed for silver and she said «Well now you're just being reeeally creepy».

It's still better than desperate, right?

I felt Silver take the little box from my trembling hand but she wasn't saying anything for quite a moment. I dared a look at her.

And she's stunning !!!!

Wait I'm drifting again! God my heart is gonna pop out my chest at this rate.

She sure is gorgeous though ...

Damn hormones, let me focus! I have a story to tell...

Sam and Silver were both staring inside the box: Samantha in surprise and Silver in .. confusion? She then looks up at me. I can see that she is about to say something but nothing comes out from those deliciouly shaped lips. Derek was giving me a questionning look so I felt like I need to explain myself.

-It's.. It's nothing m-much you know. I hesitate, not knowing what to say. I just thought about you when I saw it.. and.. well .. I thought.. .. That I'm lame? Shut up. I snap at my inner voice.The truth is I want her to wear it and think about me. Would you keep it, though? Her eyes widen and she shakes her head in 'no'. Ouch. That was blunt.

-I can't! She tends it back. You shouldn't have bothered. Bothered? At all. I was happy about getting her something plus now I perfctly lerned my way at the mall. I can even show you where to get the pads.

-It's nothing expensive, but it was stupid of me I guess. I mumble. She bites her lip and.. I black out for a second! I want those lips on mine so badly.. Dude keep a hold of yourself, would you?!

-Stop torturing the guy, Sil. I can put it on if you want. Sam offers. Relief fills me when I see Silver about to give in. I wanted to put it on her though .. oh well as long as she keeps it. Silver gives her a thoughtful look before turning back at me, and I'm mortified. Don't reject me, just shoot me!!

-No. She says softly, stabbing my chest with her word. After a moment of hesitation she comes over me. I want you to put it on me. If you don't mind. She looks up at me (since I'm taller) and I can feel myself grinning like an idiot. She even more beautiful from up close.

-I don't mind! I can even brush your hair if you want!! I blurt without thinking, making them all eye me like the dumbass that I am. I mean... Nevermind. I say quickly taking the nackless from her tiny hands. Silver smiles at me putting me in a daze .. until she turns around and I face her back.

She pulls her hair up and it takes me all my strenght not to bury my head in the hollow of her neck, but I can't keep the blush from my WHOLE face... Being blonde has it bad sides.

I could hear my not-for-long best friend and Sam snicker behind my back. But I ignored them.

I'm going to touch her for the first time..!!! Gosh, even her back is sexy. I caress her neck then her shoulders with my eyes only, before brushing the remained strand of hair away on her shoulder, feeling myself shiver from the sight of the milky skin offered to my eyes, and put the neckless on. I brush her nape with my knuckles in process. Her skin is so soft even though it's cold..

I want to wrap my hands around her and keep her warm... forever! I'll be her personnal radiator.

I try to make the moment last as long as possible. Or more like I can't do it any faster since my hands are shaking like the damn Parkinson. My skin tingles everytime I brush hers and it feelsso good! As I'm done she steppes away. Too soon for my liking. She looks at my gift and smiles at me. I return her the smile, though mine must look more creepier, while melting inside

-Thank you! And with that she leans up... Good God, save me! ..and kisses me on the cheek. I will get her gifts every goddamn day from now on!!

-Hum hum.. Sam clears her throat. Maybe we should get in now? Derek and Silver nod and start to get inside. While I try to remember how you use those things called legs.

- Stop drooling!! Derek whispers as he passes by me. You look like a total creep! Told ya! I wanted to defend myself but I was too busy trying to breath..

We all sit down on the couch in William's livingroom: me next to Silver, but I only dared to look on the ground. I know I'm a chicken, but I need to calm my heart down first. Derek leaned to me and whispered:

-Dude, it was just a small kiss on the cheek. With that I remembered the kiss and could feel myself blush again. Darn it! He had to remind me.. My friend sighs at me feeling me stiffing and shakes his head with a chuckle. Ok I admit she's stunning. And he leaned away, further in the couch. I know he wanted to calm me down, but when he said that I wanted to slap him. I don't want him to look at her. Is it bad?

Sam was proposing movies but I was too concerned about the proximity I had with Silver to pay attention to whatever she was saying. She was mostly debating with Derek and a bit with Silver. We ended up deciding on Ocean's 11 because Silver never saw it and Derek didn't end it. I didn't mind because the movie is great. And I wouldn't mind anyway as long as she's here.

Sam put the CD on and was about to strat when Daniel and Paul made their way in the living room. Unconsciously I moved closer to my girl.

-Wow, is it some secret meeting? The big brother says sitting down next to Silver as Paul rested on the edge of the sofa. I don't want Dan to sit here, but well we're at his house after all.

-Hey dudes! Paul waves at me and Derek. We both nodd with a little smile. I like those guys.. even though they used to haze us, but right now I want them out. Hey Sam-Sam! He greets Sam.

-Hey freeloader! She answers teasingly earing a glare from her brother's best friend. We all laugh even Silver smiles and shakes her head at Paul. We don't get to see her smile very often, but when we do everyone's in a daze, like litterally! Even Samantha looks amazed despite being a girl. Silver stops smiling and we all shake our heads to get out of that charm. Paul clears his throat still looking at Silver and then greets her too.

-Hey babydoll! The teasing vanished from his voice. I scoweled my jaw at him. He just called my girl «babydoll», is he serious? I clinch my fists to hold myself as I feel my temper rise. I'm not much of a fighter but I'm still an athlet. I can hit pretty bad if anything. It's just a nickname..I remind myself it's ok. Plus Silver is calm.. as always. You never know what she thinks actually..!

-Babydoll, huh? I say a little bitter, but I don't care. I grab her hand to show off to both of them that she's mine and Sam starts the movie.

A warm feeling is filling my chest when she doesn't shake my hand off hers and I'm internly smiling. I squeeze her hand and wait for her reaction. She gives me a questionning look and I can't help but smile at her. Ahhhhh I like you soooo much if you knew!!! I shake my head so she nodds and turns back to the screen. I lean closer to her, feeling her scent and rest happily through the hole film trying to pay attention to the screen.

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