Everyone sat in the waiting room of Tulane awaiting the doctor that is working on Bzona to give them information.
Millz repeatedly beat herself up because she noticed the many missed calls she had on her phone from Bzona.
Momma M was trynna stay strong for everyone. She saw the impact this situation had on them. She walked over to Millz and comforted her. She knew she thought it was her fault that this happened to B.
Meanwhile, August was sitting at work waiting on his 9:30 to show up but its been a hour. He started to get fustrated and walked to the front of the shop to Lani.
"Yo lani" he shouted.
"Wassup" she looked up from the booking log she was working on.
"Lemme get the information on my 9:30"
"Why wassup"
"They a no-show, and I gotta get outta here" he said looking at his phone.
She got August log book and flipped through until she got to 9:30.
"Uhmm it says the number is (504)333-3333, name B-Z-O-N-A Jones"August head shot up when he heard the name. He was suprised that he was gonna' be able to see her today but also saddened because she was a no-show. He wondered why she didnt show up but it wasnt his business because he knew she didnt want anything to do with him.
"Damn Iight,imma hit ya later"
He said while walking out the door. He went to his car and got in. Before he pulled off he dialed her number.
No answer. He dailed it many more times before her heard a voice. But not Bzona voice. Momma M voice.
She answered wondering who the person was that was blowing Bzona phone up. The doctor that was working on B , had given them her phone because of the calls going through.
"Hey Momma"
I answered confusingly, wondering why she was answering the phone.
Monica was confused also. She didnt know Bzona had any communication with August after they got into it.
"Yes ma'am, I need ta' talk ta' Bzona right quick"
He got straight to the point even though he figured she didnt want any dealings with him thats why she got Momma M to answwer the phone.
"Oh August"
Momma M started. She didnt know how she was gonna' tell August that Bzona was laying in a hospital bed unresponsive.
"Bzona cannot talk right now but when the time is right Ill let her talk to you"
She beated around the bush, to make it easier on her only for August to laugh.
He laughed because he thought it was funny that she didnt want to talk to him and couldnt just tell him herself but she just didnt know that he was gonna be doing her tattoo today.
"What because that shit that happened, man, I just want to know why she missed her appointment"
"Her appointment?"
Momma asked in confusion.
"Yea, she had an appointment at 9:30 and she missed it" he said starting his car driving towards his home.
"Oh god, poor chile'...she was gonna get her grandmothas name August" she sniffed. She remembered how excited B was to get the tattoo. It was all she talked about and how she wanted it designed but she was afraid of needles so she didnt know how she was gonna' get through with the process and it broke her heart that she didnt get a chance to.
August furrowed his eyebrows.
"What's wrong, why it sound like ya' crying" stoping at a red light.
"She's in the hospital August"
"Watchu mean...whats wrong with her"
He bombarded her with questions beacuse he still cared about her.
"August, jus' please get here im sure she really needs you"
He swiftly made a U-turn at the light that was labled No U-turns, but he didnt care. All he cared about was Bzona.
"Where she at" August yelled running in the waiting room where Momma M, Millz and Travis sat looking at nothing in particular, beacuse they were afraid.
Momma M walked over to August
"Shh, they havent came out and told us any information about her yet"
August roughly rubbed his hand over his hair clenchin his jaw, sitting next to Travis whom was comforting Millz.
They all sat and waited for hours until a doctor came out.

I walked slowly in the deserted area, wonder where I was. The last I remember was being in Momma M arms and the rest is a mystery.
I continued to walk until I saw a light. The light shined bright, almost blinding. I continued to walk until I heard faint yells of my name.
I turned around and saw a figure standing far away making me realize how far I have walked.
The figure matched my steps as we both met inthe middle of the darkened deserted area.
Once we came face to face my heart smiled, because many nights I would pray that we meet again and here we are.
I squealed like a child running into her open arms with tears running down my face. Seeing her made me wonder where I was.
"Am I in heaven"
"No, you arent dead but you could've been" she said seriously
"Oh im so sorry ,grandma, I should've never went into that alley"
"Chile this is not your fault, you dont have to apologize understand me...god have a plan for them,so dont dwell on it okay Zoey"
She called me by the nickname my mother gave me but it was always said best by her.
" oh im miss you so much, im so lost without you, its so hard grandma"
"Zoe, you doing so much for yourself out there, you came a long way and still have a long way to go"
"Yea but I wish I can share this all with you, I need you to be out here with me"
I cried.
"Shh dont ya' cry im fine where im at, im pain free, care free. All I want is for you to be happy...thats all your mother want for you"
She mumbled the last part but I still heard it.
I wanted to so badly disgrace my mother and ask how does she want me haply, if she was never in my life.
But I didnt because a peice of me still want her to be here with me.
"My mother?"
I kind of scoffed.
"Yes Namiko Renee Jones wants you happy, chile she changed so much and she misses you dearly just find it in your heart to forgive her please"
She begged while fading away.
"Wait dont go please" I cried "I love you"
I heard a faint' I love you' that made me smile but also cry beautiful I knew it was my grandmother.
I started to wonder around again until I heard Millz voice.
"Oh B im so sorry" she pulled a chair next to me while crying.
"I should've answered my phone, god this is my fault."
I wanted to tell her so badly that it wasnt her fault but I couldnt. I couldnt even open my eyes.
"I cant loose you, your the sister I never had" she chuckled. "You treat me like how my family supposed to treat me, I cant loose that love you give me, that sisterly love"
She got up and kissed my forehead before whispering 'Im sorry'
Its not your fault.
I heard in distant talking for awhile until someone eles walked in. I felt the person staring at me for a while until they sat down and grabbed my hand rubbing it.
"Ya' missed ya' appointment today"
I heard him say. Him, as in August. The person I try to forget about everyday and havent talked to in months is here to see me.
"Ya' know I was gonna' do that tatto ya' planned on getting?"
He asked refreshing my memory about the appointment I made at 'Downtown Ink'.
"I took ya' advice and stopped dealing" he paused. "Man B I didnt think the first time Ill see you in forveva would be im a hospital bed...I remember me not being in the mood to talk to you, to me not wanting to stop talking to you, now we dont talk at all...and its my fault. I know I apologized so many times but Im truly sorry...I havent tol anybody this but I trust ya'...ya' know she cheated on me" he chuckled "all them checks I made that was spent on her shoulda been spent on you...all the love I gave her shoulda be given to you..." He trailed off "Im sorry"

By the way NO Bzona is not in a coma, she is unresponsive, which will be explained why chapters later!!

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