He snorted. "That's not my fault." 

"She's your grandmother! Do you even care about her at all?" Aspyn yelled. 

Aspyn saw emotion crack his indifferent facade as he thought about what she just said. 

"I don't want her getting attached to me." Parker mumbled, almost inaudible. 

Aspyn furrowed her eyebrows at his answer. "Why not?"

Parker shook his head and looked back at Aspyn. "Nothing, it's nothing. You wanna take a drive?" 

Aspyn hesitated, but then said, "Sure." 

They headed to his car in silence. Aspyn was used to his silence by now. When he spoke, his words were either cryptic or meaningless. As they were walking, Parker lit another cigarette and sighed in satisfaction when the smoke filled his lungs. 

Aspyn watched him smoke with a curious look plastered on her face. 

"What?" He spat.

All common sense and dignity left Aspyn as she asked for a cigarette. 

"You want what? Really? I thought you were a good little girl." Parker snorted, but handed her one anyway.

"Whatever." Aspyn rolled her eyes and grabbed it out of his hand. 

He lit it for her and watched as she took a deep breath before polluting her lungs with the smoke.

Smoke flooded her lungs and she coughed frantically. Parker watched in amusement as she practically coughed up a lung. 

"That's horrible! Why do you like that?!" Aspyn asked, out of breath. 

"You get used to it." 

Aspyn threw it on the ground and stomped on it. Never again, she promised herself. 


Parker and Aspyn drove around aimlessly until the moon was high in the sky. 

"Call it a night?" Aspyn asked tiredly.

"Oh, but the night is just starting." Parker said with a mischievous grin on his face.

"What do you have in mind?" Aspyn asked cautiously.  

"You wanna crash a party?" 


"Unless you're too scared to." Parker teased. 

Aspyn squared her shoulders and punched his arm lightly. "Of course I'm not scared to." 

"If you say so." Parker grinned, not convinced. 


Eventually they pulled up next to a house with cars parked all over the front yard. 

"You ready?" 

"Yeah." Aspyn whispered. 

They weaved through the mess of cars and walked through the front door. Music was blaring and teenagers jumped and bumped to the music. 

"This is crazy!" Aspyn yelled over the music. 

Parker smirked and walked through a group of drunk kids who lazily danced to the beat. 

Aspyn hurried to catch up, but she couldn't make it through the tight packs of people. 

Finally, she pushed through and scanned the room for Parker. The music was so loud in the middle of the floor that she could feel the beat inside her stomach. Dammit Parker, where the hell are you?

58 Days With ParkerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant