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"Hello Justin," my dad walked in, holding his girlfriend's hand.

"Why are y'all here at 10 in the morning? You couldn't of called first?" I glared at my sister. She looked at me sheepishly,"Sorry. I tried but he insisted."

"Hi Justin," Jessica, his girlfriend came in for a hug. I held up a hand and backed away. "Can you guys leave? We'll meet you threr for breakfast or something," I said frustrated. I knew damn well they saw Braelynn standing awkward with my robe on.

"Alright," dad sighed, taking Jessica's hand. "I'll be out in a minute," Camari told them cracking the door a little.

"What the hell?" I yelled in a hushed voice. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't know what went down," Camari said, obviously embarrassed.

"I should go," Braelynn said. "No, stay," I said holding my hand up,"Camari's wrong for bringing them here."

"Justin, chillax. I'm sorry, okay? You know how dad is."

I sighed cause she was right. "Okay, whatever. Take them to the breakfast buffet, I'll be there soon."

She nodded and walked over and whispered something to Braelynn, giggling and causing Braelynn to blush. She then scurried out the room.

I turned to Braelynn. "Sorry about that," I said to her with a sigh. "Don't apologize to me," she chuckled,"Nothing happened."

"That put you on the spot. I'm sorry you were in that uncomfortable condition." She shrugged it off,"It's fine."

I nodded and gave her a pair of clean sweatpants and a t shirt.

"Was that his girlfriend?"

I nodded.

"She's pretty."

"And young as hell," I mumbled.

She remained silent so I got up, "I'll walk you to your dorm," I offered.

She declined. "I'm fine. You have to go meet your parents--"

"I have to go meet my dad," I corrected her. She looked flushed,"Yeah. And I have to get ready for mine to come. I'll call you," she pecked my cheek and rushed out the door.

"Wait!" I called her, making her stop in her tracks. "Did you enjoy last night?" I winked at her. She giggled and continued to walk.


I walked in the cafeteria with jeans and a navy blue blazer on. My dad smiled and pat my back,"Son." I gave a fake smile,"What's up, dad?" I sat down next to my sister and started to eat what was on my plate.

He talked to both of us about the simple things. Our grades, our studies, life itself. It was a good talk, besides his girlfriend smiling like a weirdo the whole time.

"Um, I'm sorry to interrupt. But I really have to use the ladies room and I don't know where it is," Jessica said shyly. I rolled my eyes.

"Camari, can you please take Jessica to the bathroom?" Dad asked. "Of course. This way," Camari cheerfully walked out with Jessica behind her.

Dad grunted and sat up, propping his elbows on the table. "How are you son?"

"Good." I mumbled, continuing to chew my waffle. "Still taking your meds?"

Not every day. "Yep."

He nodded,"That's good. That girl from earlier, was she your girlfriend?"

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