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In the end Gerard had to deal with depression,and never published the comic book.

Instead he wrote a horror called "Cursed Island".It doesn't take a genius to know what it talked about.

Oliver went back to England and took awhile to get over his nightmares of the island just like the rest of them.

Austin had to take some medicines for hallucinations and anxiety for awhile.

Chris and Vanessa never went on dangerous risky paranormal adventures ever again.

Poveglia Island was enough.

Alan and Jahni got married a year later.

Alan was never quite the same ever since the island.Sometimes his eyes would grow wide and he'd start trembling until Jahni held his hand and comforted him.

Jahni knew that this adventure changed their lives.For the worse,but at least they knew to NEVER EVER mess with the Dark side.

The consequences are always  hard.

Jahni and Vanessa afterwards wrote all of thier experiences in a story online.

The title?

Well,you were reading the story  this whole time.

The End

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