2 more deaths

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Chris,Vanessa and Austin ran towards the church and rummaged through the musty book shelves.

"I think I found it!"Austin called.

"Great!"Vanessa said.

"Um..it's in Latin,bro."Austin said.

"Ugh,hand it over."Vanessa scoffed in a very Hermione way with Chris snickering.

She rippled through the pages,mumbling under her breath.She knew Latin,so it held no mystery to her.

"There it is!Quam ad tollendum daemonia!Now we just need to go back to the others and we'll be able to unpossess Gerard and -"

"I don't think so."A creepy and familiar voice said from behind them.

It was the guide,Corey Taylor.

He gave a weird and unnatural smile that curved up like a cheshire cat's.

His eyes gleamed red,and Vanessa fell to the floor,dead.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!"Chris screamed.

He knelt next to her and tried to revive her,but with no avail.

Sobbing,he took her face and his hands and kissed her.

Slowly lowering her back to the ground,he got back up with a deadly look on his face.


The guide laughed.

He was about to the same thing to Austin,but he bolted and ran with the book,so he was saved.

"It's between me and you."Chris whispered.

"You wish."The guide smirked.

In a second Chris Cerulli was dead next to Vanessa Neroni.

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