"Th-they are d-dead." She stutters, "I-I couldn't he-help." She start to rock a bit.

"It was just a dream, you're okay." I say to her as gentle as I can, but this doesn't stop the shattered looked her eyes hold. It was like glass, shattered, it went right down to her soul. Her tears slowly come to an end and her shaking stops.

"It was just a dream." I hear her mutter quietly.


Scarlet POV

I've never had a dream that felt so real. I've don't think I've ever been in so much pain in my entire life. Nothing compares to it. I sat on the bed staring blankly at the wall. The image of my family dying replayed over and over.

"Are you okay?" Aaron asks from beside me. Oh yeah, he's still here and its not getting any less awkward.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say as steady as I can. "Thank you." I add, I was grateful for what he did I'm pretty sure I would still be freaking out if he wasn't here.

"Umm, no problem." He says but it sounded more like a question."I have to go down to the office. Someone can show you there if you need it."

"Okay." I say. I was still very tired but I fear what will happen if I go back to sleep. I slide out of the comfy bed and walk to bathroom to get dressed. I take my time putting on my armor and taking out my hair. My braided hair turns into lose wave that drape over my shoulders and down my back. There are dark bags under my eyes. I splash some water on face hoping to make it look a little better.

I didn't even want to try to navigate the hallways so I just jumped out the window.


Unknown Pov

Run faster, Don't stop, Run

You need to find her. She is who they are looking for.

Run faster, keep going, you'll be there soon, keep running.

Stop. This is it, she should be here. Ignore the fatigue. Find her first and then you can rest until then keep going we need to find her.

Wow there are so many people here. Why are they looking at me? Is it my mark? The dirt on my face? I think I see the capital building. Its the biggest so it had to be right? Sprint you'll get there faster.

Everything is so bright.

Wait why is that girl jumping out the window?


Back to Scarlet

I landed in a crouch and dusted the dirt off my hands. There was someone by the front door. From the back he well built and stood at least a couple inches taller then me. His clothes were torn in some places and covered in dirt. His hair was unevenly cut as if he had it himself. He just stood looking at the door and then he turned towards me.

The first thing I noticed was his eyes. They were dark gray, not to the point where they were black but like a ash gray. He looked to be the same age as me. His eyes scanned me and stopped when he saw my flame, he turned towards me completely so I could see his entire body. My eyes widen when I came to the flame on his neck too.

"Dragon rider." I say so silently. My disbelief and mixed emotions made me speechless.

"Scarlet." He says and takes a step towards me. "It's nice to finally meet you."

My amazement and shock turned quickly into suspicion. How did he know my name? Who is he? Where is from? Has he been in the society the whole time? What does he mean finally meet me? My gaze turned hard and I put my guard up.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"I'm like you." He answers, with little emotion. He's trying to not give to much information. Using dragon hearing I listened very closely. His heart beat was fast. He was either excited or nervous. That made a big difference, but he still didn't answer my question.

"How do you know my name and who are you?" I say a bit more forcefully still listening to his heartbeat. His heart skipped a little, maybe out of fear but maybe he was about to tell a lie.

"I know your name because the dragons talked about you." Dragons? "I'm a rider like you. My names Dylan."

"What dragons?" I ask very curious, as far as I know there are no dragon riders at any of the other coves.

"The ones you are fighting against. The ones who want you dead. The rogue." Dylan answers. I whip out my bow, notch an arrow, and aim it at him. If he were smart he know not to move. How in the world does he know about the Rogue? Is he working with them? Is he here to kill me? Whats is going to do? Goddammit there is so much I don't know, to many questions.

"How do you know about them?" I shout, having no trust in him whatsoever I made sure he didn't leave my sights.

"They talked about you outside where they had me." He begins but with more questions running through my head I stopped him to ask.

"Where did they have you? Are you working with them?" I say forcefully. If the answers to the second question was yes I was letting the arrow fly.

"I'm not working with them," I'm not sure I believe him, " They had me captive for as long I can remember. They taught me what I was about the dragons and they talked about you."

"Why me? Why not anyone else and why didn't they kill you?" Slowly I feel my guard slip and I lower my bow slightly but not all the way.

"They didn't kill me because they said I wasn't the right one. They said something about my blood. There's is something in your blood that they are after. Something that makes you different. That's why they want you." Without realizing it my bow was at my side. Unconsciously I was trusting him, but was that feeling right?

"Why is my blood so important." I say. Though my blood was half dragon and half dragon rider what was it that made it valuable?

"They only talked about it once but they said the person who contains the blood of both dragon and rider will be hard to kill." if I wasn't hard to kill I'd be dead by now. "If a dragon were to kill a person like this then all of their power will be transferred to the dragon. The Rogue Dragons are after the power that you hold and the only way they can get it is by killing you."

"They don't have a snowballs chance in hell of killing me." I hope the words that I spoke wasn't a lie.

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