Chapter Twenty-Seven

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A/N – Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Twenty-Seven. Gif of Hannah ^^^^^

----- Hannah's P.O.V -----

It has been around 3 months since Brad, Connor, James, Tristan and I all decided to go on a road trip. We've been away for 2 and a half months, and we got back probably 2 weeks ago I think. I think it's safe to say I missed home after a while, I got used to sleeping in the caravan and in the campervan too – we were only in a caravan a couple of times, and the rest of the time we were in the campervan so we got used to not having our beds. I am just glad to be able to sleep in my own bed again, Connor and I were definitely more comfortable around each other and it's been feeling like some high school relationship.

Connor and I are getting along pretty amazingly, I can't believe that we are actually in a relationship. Connor decided against telling the fans, as I wasn't too sure about the relationship at first. Well saying that I wasn't sure if wrong, I just wasn't ready to fully jump into another relationship if you get what I mean. I am so happy with Connor, I know that I don't love him yet but I guess you could say that I am confident about falling for him – there isn't anything that Connor could do, to not make me fall for him.

All of the lads were way too happy when Connor told them about us, they were all saying that they had suspected it for a while. I think that the lads wanted Connor and I to end up together, I am guessing that they had always known there was something between us as we were always talking, we couldn't be away from each other for more than an hour without calling or texting or at least communicating in some shape or form. I have to say though, it's a weird thing going from being best friends to being in a relationship. A lot of people say that it's easy going from friends to boyfriend/girlfriend, but it is actually harder than you would think. Think about it, you go from being friends with someone and being able to have your own lives, to being in a relationship and suddenly getting used to a whole new way of being with and seeing them.

I am pretty sure that I have woken up before all of the lads, Connor isn't awake either – it is just us 5 in the house now, that's a fun story actually. Around a couple of months back, my parents called Brad telling him that they had decided to move out to Australia as that's where they were on holiday. My Dad said that Brad could keep the house, seeing that he is the eldest and Brad said that he would support my parents considering he makes enough to support them; my Dad didn't want that, they have both quit their jobs and they've managed to get new jobs and settle in pretty good out there. We've already sent out their stuff to them.

On the note of my parents, I told them about Nathan and I just after they spoke to Brad. They said that if I wasn't happy, then they didn't want me to be in the relationship. I haven't spoken to Nathan's parents, but my Mum spoke to Nathan's Mum I think. As they know that I broke up with Nathan, my parents said that Brad and I could do whatever we wanted to the house, within moderation of course. They were all up for the lads moving in too, so James, Tristan and Connor live with us here – this may sound drastic, but they sold their flats and well all live in this house. The lads make enough to support us, and the mortgage on the house is already paid off so literally all we pay for is general bills, food and any new stuff we need. I also refused to let the lads pay for everything, I have a part time job so I can contribute.

I walk downstairs, and see nobody so I am presuming that the lads are still dead to the world. I left Connor in bed as I didn't want to wake him up, he hasn't been sleeping well for the past couple of days as he hasn't been too well so I prefer to let him sleep. I decide to go into the den and read for a bit, I could probably read upstairs but I am not exactly in the mood for just sitting in bed. I don't like just sitting around, sometimes it is good but at other times I hate it as I feel like I am just wasting the day, kind of.

As I am reading, the door of the den opens and I turn towards it to see Connor standing there "Love, you should be in bed" I say and he walks over to me "Why? I'm awake now" he says sitting down next to me "Well that's obvious, but you're sick" I say and he shrugs "Baby, I might be sick but I am not completely incompetent" he says and I roll my eyes. I place my hand on his forehead, feeling his fever "Con, please go back to bed, you have a fever and I don't like you being up" I say and he shakes his head "Not unless you come with me" he says making me sigh.

Before I get a chance to answer, Connor picks me up bridal style as I clutch onto my book "Put me down" I say flailing my legs "Nu-uh Baby, if I am going to bed, then I am dragging you with me" he says and I smirk "Technically you are carrying me" I say and he rolls his eyes "Oh shush you, don't be pedantic" he tells me jokingly but I stick my tongue out at him "What? I was only stating facts" I tell him making him chuckle "You are a smart one" he says bopping my nose "Don't do that" I say as I squirm a little "Why?" he asks as we reach our bedroom, and he puts me down on the bed "Because it tickles" I say putting my book on my side, "So you're ticklish" he states and my face goes pale "Don't you dare" I say pointing at him, moving back on the bed "I'm completely innocent" he says.

He starts to tickle me like crazy and we both just start laughing with each other. I realise, as I am laughing, that I have never been happier with a guy - Connor has made me smile just that much more, and that is something I want in a relationship. In relationships, you want to have someone there and you want others to know that the relationship is the right one for you, you don't want them to question it. I want to be happy and I want to be able to smile, I want the guy to be able to make me laugh for all the right reasons.

And, that is exactly what Connor does.


That was Chapter Twenty-Seven, hope you liked it.

I know that the wait for this chapter was massive, but things have been hectic and I have been writing this whenever I could, so here it is.Also, just to let you guys know, this book will be finishing soon as the next couple of chapters will be the last ones.

Any opinions you guys have, please tell me in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

Till the next chapter........

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