Chapter Two

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A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Two. Picture of Brad ^^^^^

----- Hannah's P.O.V -----

I honestly cannot believe that Nathan showed up at that time; it was lucky, that's for sure. I mean, Dale was never a violent guy, I never saw him hit someone but at that point when he grabbed my wrist again I really wasn't sure of much. I was scared, I think anyone would be when a guy that is over 6 ft grabs your wrist and threatens to slap you. I haven't been hit before and I don't want to be but I think if Nathan hadn't have showed up then I would have been in a worse state.

I trust Nathan, I definitely trust Nathan. It has never been easy for me to trust people but for some reason I find it easy to trust Nathan. It's strange though, I have known him for such a long time and I am positive that he would never hurt me. I remember his last girlfriend, he was so sweet to her, he never once fought with her and I have no idea as to why they broke up. Anyway, to me that just shows me that I can trust him. I do have trust issues; you don't have to be a genius to figure out why.

At the moment Nathan is driving me to my house, as he was already going there for a reason I do not know. Even if he wasn't I think he would have refused to let me walk home again considering how angry he was after Dale left. I look out of the window and watch all the houses go past; usually it takes me between an hour and 2 hours to walk home however in a car it's only an hour. I know it's far away from school but I am really glad I got into that school because it wasn't easy.

Nathan places his hand on my thigh and I smile at him "I'm fine Nate. Don't worry" I say and he sighs "But I do worry Hanni. That guy was just unacceptable" he says and I smile weakly "You don't remember him?" I ask and he shakes his head "No. Should I?" he asks and I nod "It was Dale. Y'know the guy who was my best friend for year" I say and realisation crosses his face "Ohh. I remember him" he says and I laugh slightly "Yeah. That was him. I guess he just flipped. I am alright though" I say and he rubs my thigh lightly with his thumb "I know Hanni" he says.

We get to my house. I get out of the car as does Nathan, he locks the car and we both walk up to my house together. I open the door and walk in whilst Nathan follows me. What surprises me is that Nathan's parents are in the living room with my parents, I look to Nathan who just smirks. He knows something about this, something that I am guessing I am about to find out. I dump my school bag by the door and both Nathan and I walk into the living room. I sit down on the third couch, we need to have a lot of couches considering the amount of people we have her at one time, Nathan sits next to me and the adults just smile at us "We weren't expecting you two to walk in together" Allison, Nathan's mum, says "Well I just saw Hannah as I was driving so I asked her if she wanted a lift" Nathan says.

My parents look to me, I am kind of nervous now "Hannah, you know that your mother and I have told you about your marriage" my dad says and I nod "Nathan is the one you are marrying" he says and I look to Nathan who smiles slightly reassuringly "I can't- I" I say stuttering. My mum starts to say something else but I tune her out. I cannot listen to this. Nathan is the one I am marrying, how is that even fair. Not to me but to him, he gets to be stuck with me for the rest of his life.

I get up from the couch and run out of my house. I run straight through my garden and into the woodland at the back. I sit down by the lake that is in the middle of the forest with my knees up to my chest and my head rested on top of my knees. I can't marry Nathan. Don't get me wrong, he is an amazing guy but way too amazing to marry me. I can easily be a burden to him; I can easily make his life hard. I don't want to ruin his life and him marrying me will ruin his life.

I have a truckload of problems. Enough problems to make any guy run a mile. I have no idea as to why any guy in his right mind would actually want to be with me. When Nathan finds out what is actually wrong with me I am sure that he will not want to talk to me again. Sure, that will hurt me like hell but if it means that he gets to have his own life then I can put up with it. I don't want to be the reason that he hates his life. That isn't who I am.

----- Nathan's P.O.V -----

I know where Hannah is gone. I don't know why she has run out but I know where she has gone. I am going after her because I don't want her to do something that she will later regret. I don't know what is going through her head right now, I am not exactly sure if I want to know but I know that whatever is going through her head isn't good because if it was alright then she wouldn't have ran out like that. I think that finding out who she is being made to marry was a bit of a shock for her.

I do not mind marrying Hannah in any way at all. I think that she is an amazing girl; she is one of the smartest people I know, she got into the most prestigious private schools in the town on a scholarship, her personality is so different to any other girl, she is so lively, so bubbly, when she walks into a room and smiles it lights up, she doesn't flaunt her looks either, she unbelievably beautiful, so attractive and half the time it seems like she doesn't even realise it. Any guy would be lucky to have her. Because she is so bubbly and so full of life, any guy would be stupid not to want to date her.

When I see Hannah, it's a sight that I really do not want to see.


That was Chapter Two, hope you liked it.

Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

Till the next chapter.......

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