Chapter One

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A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter One. Picture of Nathan ^^^^^

----- Hannah's P.O.V -----

I really do not like my school. Well, I like the school; my teachers are nice it's just the people in the school that I actually have to be in class with. I am almost in my last year of this hell and I cannot express how happy I will be when I can actually leave. Aleia is the only person that has accepted me and her boyfriend is the one guy that doesn't mind sticking up for me and protecting me when people are horrid to me which is practically every single day. I haven't really told anyone about it though, it isn't really something you can just bring up in a conversation and half the time I just don't feel comfortable talking to people about it.

Today is the last day of school. Then it is the holidays and then I am back at school for my final year. I don't really have anything planned for the school holidays, hopefully my brother will come home for a bit as he's on tour at the moment or my parents might let me join him and the band on tour for a while. During the holidays I just stay at home, I have never really been one for going on vacation, I don't mind staying in though, I find it quite nice because you can just relax and do things that you're used to.

The bell signalling the end of last period finally rings. I had Geography just, I am kind of sad because my Geography teacher is leaving and we will have a different teacher next year. As long as the teacher is nice and they can actually teach, I am fine with it. Aleia sits next to me in this class; we both get up to put our things away as everyone else leaves quite quickly. Before Aleia and I leave I walk over to my teacher "Bye Mr Green" I say to him, he's leaving because he's getting married and adopting a baby with his soon-to-be husband "Bye Hannah. I hope you have a good holiday" he says hugging me. Mr Green isn't that old, he is probably mid-twenties, if that "I want you to work hard next year. You are the most talented student in this class and I do not want to hear of your grades dropping" he says and I smile "You definitely won't hear of that Sir. Good luck with your daughter and your wedding" I say and he smiles at me before I leave the classroom.

Aleia links her arm through mine as we walk out of school "What are you doing this summer?" she asks and I shrug "Not sure yet. Nothing has been planned really. I might go on tour with Brad and the guys" I say and her face lights up "If you do say hi to him for me. I haven't seen him in ages" she says and I nod "Of course I will. What are you doing then?" I ask and she smiles "I am going on vacation with Kyle and his family" she says, Kyle is her boyfriend "Sounds fun. Don't forget to bring your amazing best friend something back" I say and she giggles "You know it Lovely" she says and Kyle walks up to us "Hey Baby" he says hugging Aleia "Hi Hanni" he says and I smile at him "Hi Ky. Take care of her this summer. Yeah?" I say and he nods pulling Aleia close by her waist "I will. Have a good summer" he says hugging me. Aleia hugs me "You will text me" she says and I nod "I will. I will need to tell you about tour goings on" I say and she smiles "Bye Hanni" she says hugging me again.

I start to walk home, the way I walk home is usually pretty clear. I don't live in a mainstream place; I live on the outskirts of town, just on the border of rural. My house backs out onto woodland; I love my house, it isn't that big but big enough for me, my parents, my brother and his band when they stay over. My parents aren't the wealthiest people out there but we get by, my dad works 40 hours each week which is more than he needs to and he stresses himself out because of it but he does it so that my mum doesn't have to work. My mum hasn't been well for a while now, it isn't something big scale like cancer but it has prevented her from working full-time so she works part-time although if my dad had it his way, she wouldn't work at all.

I hear someone walking behind me and when I turn around I see someone that I really do not want to see. His name is Dale, and Dale ladies and gentleman is the sole reason as to why I get bullied everyday. We used to be best friends; and when I say best friends I mean we knew everything about each other, we had sleepovers, we were like siblings. It was always me, him and Aleia, well until 2 years ago anyway. Dale started dating the most popular girl in school, Lucy and she has never been a nice person. At first Dale would still stay with us at school, he would still hang out with us on weekends but as Dale and Lucy's relationship progressed that all stopped. Lucy convinced Dale that we shouldn't be friends, that we weren't worth his time; because of that he started bullying me but he has never once bullied Aleia and that's because of Kyle.

Dale notices me as I quickly turn back around "HANNAH" he shouts but I don't turn back around. I hear him running and he grabs my wrist "You could just talk to me" he says, out of breath because he's been running, I pull my wrist out of his grasp "Why should I talk to you. You make my life hell, every single day Dale. You aren't even worth my breath" I say with venom dripping from each of my words "You can't talk to me like that" he says shaking his head and I scoff "Leave me the hell alone Dale" I say glaring at him before turning around and continuing walking.

----- Nathan's P.O.V -----

Today I am going to Hannah's house. It's the day when her parents are going to tell her that she's marrying me. I know she's just finished school for the holidays so hopefully we can go away somewhere or something, I definitely want to go on vacation this summer and if Hannah can come with me then I think that will give us some time to spend together and we can adjust to being in a relationship together. If we're getting married then we actually need to get used to being in a relationship. Obviously I don't want to marry her as soon as possible, I want to date her first and see how it goes.

I am just driving there right now; as I am driving I see a girl who looks like Hannah struggling against a guy. I get closer and come to the conclusion that it is Hannah, I pull the car over and quickly get out just as Hannah pulls away from the guy and she goes to walk off. The guy pulls her back around again and goes to hit her but I grab her and push her behind me "Who the hell are you" he says looking me up and down "That doesn't concern you, but I do advise that you leave now" I say and I feel Hannah grip onto the back of my jacket "And what are you going to do about it" he says and I smirk "You don't want to know" I say and his face pales before he turns around and runs off.

I turn around and Hannah immediately buries her face into my chest. I hold her close to me and just let her calm down. I am so glad I saw her; I don't even want to think about what could've happened if I didn't get here for her. That is something that shouldn't be in my thoughts. I don't know if it is because I am marrying her or just because I have known her for a long time, I want to protect her, I want to make sure that nothing bad happens to her, if it did then I would definitely blame myself.


That was Chapter One, hope you liked it.

Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

Till the next chapter.....

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