Chapter Twenty

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A/N – Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Twenty. Gif of Hannah ^^^^^

----- Hannah's P.O.V -----

Brad is now driving my car back to Nathan and I's flat, he just decided that he wanted to drive and I had no complaints. I do want to talk to Nathan about everything and see if we can figure it out, I am having second thoughts about the relationship I have with Nathan but I just want Nathan to tell me that everything will be okay. I don't want to upset my parents by not going through with the marriage, that isn't what I want at all – but if I am not happy with Nathan. I know that my parents wouldn't want me to stay with him as my happiness does come first, I just don't want to let them down.

I pull into the flat block car park, I get out of the car and Brad follows after. I feel my nerves increase as we walk up the flights of stairs to the flat, I don't want to break up with Nathan but if it comes to it, I don't have much of a choice, do I? There isn't anything else that I can do, I don't want to marry someone that I don't want to be with and I don't want to have a broken marriage. I want to be with one person for the rest of my life, one person only – I don't want to get divorced, not ever.

I unlock the front door and I become confused when I do so, Nathan is sat on the couch with some random girl. This girl gets up as does Nathan "Hi, I'm Becca – Nathan's girlfriend" she says holding her hand out to me, I look at Nathan who is shrugging "I'm Hannah, Nathan's fiancée" I say not shaking her hand as I cross my arms "You must be the ex-girlfriend" I say as I feel Brad slip his arm around my waist, most likely to stop me from tackling Becca to the ground "But Nathan invited me here to reconcile with me, he told me he was single" Becca says and I glare at Nathan "Well he was lying, now if you would be so kind to leave my apartment – it would make this a whole lot easier" I say as sweetly as possible.

Becca storms out of the apartment "WHAT THE HELL NATHAN" I shout but he just sighs before following Becca down the stairs "What on earth is he doing?" I ask myself angrily. I don't understand why he would be following her out of the apartment, plus why did he even invite her here in the first place. He was the one that told me he didn't feel anything for her anymore, he told me that he didn't want to see her, he told me that he loved me and nobody else – what do I believe? I thought I could believe every word he spoke, every single word but now I am questioning it all.

I turn to Brad who is just as angry as I am "We are going down there, I am dragging him back up to this god damn flat and I am finding out what the hell is wrong with him" Brad seethes before grapping my wrist, and practically dragging me down to the car park. When we get there, my breath catches in my throat. Nathan is kissing Becca. Nathan is kissing Becca. What did I do to him? What made him kiss her? Am I not good enough? Am I really that bad? My brain goes into overdrive as I watch them continue to kiss – it is breaking my heart.

I feel my eyes fill up with tears, when I look to Brad he is furious. He storms over to them and rips them apart "YOU SON OF A BITCH" Brad yells at Nathan "LOOK AT MY SISTER. LOOK AT WHAT YOU HAVE DONE" he shouts pointing at me "YOU SWORE YOU WOULD NEVER HURT HER" he shouts as Becca slowly backs away "YOU LOOKED MY FATHER IN THE EYE AND TOLD HIM THAT YOU WOULD TAKE CARE OF HER" he yells again and Nathan looks scared for once "YOU MAKE ME SICK KNIGHT" Brad shouts for one final time.

Brad comes back over to me and pulls me into his arms "Sweetie-" Nathan starts, but I rip out of Brad's arms and turn to face Nathan "Don't you dare call me that" I say sternly pointing at him "She kissed me Hannah, she pulled me into her and I am not the guy to push a woman off of me – I will not hurt a woman" Nathan explains and I wish I could say that I believed him "I would never hurt you Hannah" Nathan says reaching out for me but Brad steps in front of me "You will not go anywhere near my sister, never again" Brad states glaring at Nathan.

I grip onto the back of Brad's jacket "My sister will be staying with me, Connor, James and Tristan – the people who care about her – until she feels like she wants to come back" Brad explains and I can hear the anger in his voice "However, I doubt she will ever want to come back" Brad says and I peek around him, to look at Nathan. Nathan doesn't even look half as upset as I am "I cannot believe you" I say and Nathan looks to me "I can't believe I ever thought I could believe you – you cheated Nathan, that is the lowest of the low in relationships" I say and I feel Brad kiss the top of my head "Don't contact me, don't come and find me, don't do anything" I say before turning around and going to the car.

I don't think that I could forgive Nathan – do I want to? I don't know – that's debateable right now. If he cheated once, what's to say that he wouldn't do it again? I never thought that Nathan would be the type of guy to cheat, he is so nice and he just gives off the feel of a sweet guy – I guess I was mistaken.


That was Chapter Twenty, hope you liked it.

I want to apologise guys, I know I have taken a while to update this and that is what I want to apologise for. I have been busy with my mocks as I wanted to get the best grades – I promise you guys that I will try to update before Christmas, but if I don't it will be very soon after Christmas.

Any opinions you guys have, please tell me in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

Till the next chapter.......

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