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       • a branching out; an offshoot; a consequence. 

He keeps trying, no matter how pointless it proves to be with each day passing and still no progress being made. He hasn't weaseled any information about this Troye character off of the man at the park, hasn't even learned the prick's name. The guy is vicious and volatile and lashes out unprovoked at every opening presented, refuses to budge an inch no matter how hard Phil pushes and refuses to show an ounce of consideration no matter how desperate Phil becomes.

Still, over the course of the next few days, Phil kind of begins to admire him just a little bit. He's vicious and volatile, sure, but it seems to stem from a place of fierce protectiveness. He won't budge, so strong and sure of himself and unwilling to bend to the will of others, and he's maybe a bit of a bad-ass with his angry scowl and penchant for smoking dope all day long. Which is actually gross and unhealthy and Phil is not concerned about him, he really isn't, except that maybe he kind of is.

He likes the asshole, he realizes after the eighth day in a row of standing before him only to be verbally torn to shreds.

He wants to know his name, how he ticks, why he feels the need to be doing drugs and living on the streets. He wants to know the meaning behind his place at the park, wants to be able to stand beside him and hold a conversation. He wants that fierce protectiveness to apply to him as well, wants to be able to scold him on his life choices and show on his sleeve this concern swelling in his chest.

Phil can't help it. He's always gotten attached to things far too quickly, especially when they're prone to easily disappearing.

This guy is probably the closest thing Phil's ever had to a real friend outside of work.  

Estrangements (Phan AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon