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       • a system or device for detecting objects such as aircraft by using the reflection of radio waves. 

Phil knows the guy at the park was lying, knew from the moment he approached him that he wasn't going to be happy and helpful. The sheer amount of hostility he'd presented Phil was, admittedly, entirely unexpected but not deterring in the slightest. He knows the guy was lying. All he has to do now is get him to tell him the truth and he'll have found his employer's elusive son.

He hopes. Admittedly, his theory has a lot of room for flaws.

Still, he stays true to his promise to return, sliding back into his car three days later and revving the engine to a start. He stops by the coffee shop by the square on his way, figuring that it helped with the first lead he'd received and hoping it will help him secure another. There's a brief moment of panic where he isn't sure the resident park asshole even likes coffee, but he guesses that if he does it'll be black like the guy's heart. Which he's not entirely sure he even has, considering how vicious and rude he proved to be through their first meeting.

He pulls up by the lake a good twenty minutes after leaving his complex, parking across the way from the hostile man by the wall and the woman staring out at the churning waters just as she was three days ago.

"Here," he offers, approaching the asshole with a brilliant smile and an offered cup of steaming coffee.

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