Weekend news and Tour?

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We get to the pizza place and it is cool. We play games until the pizza comes. After eating we go play more games.  Ally beat me at basketball. I still can’t believe that. I was so distracted I wasn’t paying attention and she beat me. “Ally, I was distracted.” “Uh huh, sure you were.” “Let’s play dance revolution then?” She stops smiling, “Austin, you know I can’t dance.”  I laugh and pull her outside. “Where are we going?” Smiling I get in the car, “Back to your house for a second.” Getting out at her house she is still confused. I go to her room and find my swim trunks before showing them to her. “Get ready.” I leave and get ready in the main bathroom when I come out she is sitting on the couch in shorts and a tank top. “You ready?” Nodding she grabs my hand and we leave for the beach.

The beach was packed but we found a spot and sat down on our towels. Ally started to put her lotion on then she looked over at me biting her lip. “Austin. Would you mind?” Putting her lotion out at me, I smile as I grab it. “Of course I would not mind.” She rolls over on her stomach and moves her hair out of her way. She looks so beautiful. I start to put her lotion on her back and as I get to her shoulder she lets out a moan. Finishing she rolls back over and is biting her lip. I smirk as she looks away blushing. “I’m sorry.” “Don’t apologize. I like that sound. I like it more that I made you do it.” Blushing more she puts her glasses on and starts to sun bathe.

Ally’s pov. .

Austin was putting my lotion on and I moaned. It just escaped my mouth. I got embarrassed. When he finished I was biting my lip. I see him smirk before I look away and mumble, “I’m sorry.” He looks at me and smiles, “Don’t apologize. I like that sound. I like it more that I made you do it.” Blushing more I put my glasses on and start to sun bathe. If only he knew he wasn’t the only one to get that sound from me. He would be so mad.

I feel eyes on me and look over to see Austin staring at me. “Yes Austin.” I stand up and he smiles and comes over and picks me up running to the water. “Don’t you dare? Austin, no.” I come up from under the water and see him smiling. I splash him and he splashes me back. I swim over and wrap my arm around his neck and push him under. Coming back up he is shocked as I start to laugh, “You pushed me under?” Laughing more, “Well you threw me in the water.” Laughing he swims closer and puts his hands on my waist playing with the strings on my bikini. “You are so beautiful Ally.” I look down, “Come on, Ally you have to know you are pretty. You always have guys looking at you.” Looking up she looks at me confused. “Ally, Dallas likes you. Elliot from your summer camp liked you. I love you. Oh, Alex. He would do anything to be with you. He flirts with you all the time. You are beautiful. Learn to take compliments.” She smiles, “Thank you Austin. If they look at me like you say they do.” I nod, “well. Oh, well. I am taken and could not be happier.” He smiles and kisses me while I put my arms around his neck and he starts to rub one hand up and down my back as the other holds my waist. We break apart and smile at each other. Swimming to shore we get out and lay down to dry off.

After half an hour we are dry and I start to get dressed as Austin watches me. “Quit watching me. Get dressed.” Putting his shirt on as I put my flip flops on we leave. Back at my house I head for my room when I feel a hand pull me back, “Where are you going?” “To get a shower.” He smirks, “Can I join?” I come closer and he thinks I am going to kiss him but I go to his ear. “You wish. But I was thinking we could finish what we started at the beach after I get a shower.” Backing away I smile as he stares shocked at me. Showering I put my sweats and tank top back on. I was brushing my hair as I hear a knock and see Austin come in. “Can I use your shower?” I nod and he leaves. As I pull my hair into a ponytail I see Austin come out in his boxers and shirt. “Didn’t I leave sweats here?” “Yes, second drawer, on the left.” Pulling them on, he wraps his arms around me and starts kissing my neck. Turning my towards him he kisses my jaw line stopping an inch from my lips I lean the rest of the way and our lips work together perfectly.

Picking me up he works his way to my bed and he starts to rub my back and his other hand rubs up and down my thigh. Laying me down he climbs on top of me and breaks away to start kissing my neck. Going for his shirt I feel him pull back. “Let’s go watch tv.” Getting up we order Chinese and watch a movie. He falls asleep on the couch and soon I am asleep too.

I wake up to the door. Dad walks in and I hold a finger to my mouth. Smiling he walks to the kitchen, “You know, I would mind if it was anyone but Austin.” “I know dad.” Smiling he gives me a hug and walks away. I go get back on the pull out bed and go to sleep.

Austin’s Pov. .

I feel something next to me and open my eyes. Ally is sleeping next to me. She looks so peaceful. I see her eyes start to flutter. She opens them completely and looks around. “Morning beautiful.” Smiling she gets up and stretches. “What do you want to do?” She smiles, “Shopping.” I nod and she jumps on the pull out bed attacking me with kisses. “Thank you. I’m going to go get ready.” Laughing I see her close her door. I get up and go to my car to get my gym bag. I change and put the bed back into a couch as she walks downstairs, “I’m ready.” We drive to the mall and she pulls me into a store.

I am sitting on a chair waiting for Ally to come out. Playing on my phone I see something move and look up. Ally has came out and she is wearing this short skirt and shirt with a low neck line and she looks breath taking. Spinning around, “What do you think?” I can’t talk so I give thumbs up. I go back to my phone. Wow. Hopefully, there will not be too many more outfits like that. I see movement again and see her come out in this strapless summer dress that stop mid thigh. It is pretty. “I like.” After ten more outfits she is done and we are checking out. She bought skirts, shoes, shirts, jeans, and dresses. 

We stop and eat a pretzel.  The rest of the day was calm we watched a movie and went out to dinner. Dropping her off at her house I give her a kiss and go home to sleep.

Driving to school is boring. I get out and head to school but I get a phone call. “Hello” I hear a girl’s voice, “Austin Moon?” “Yes?” “Hi, I am Sarah and I am calling on behalf of Jimmy.” “Oh, Hi. What’s up?” I hear a laugh, “We were calling to tell you we booked you for a tour.” “What? When?” Where? How long?” Another laugh comes across my phone, “You Leave in two weeks. You will be gone for five months.  You will be going to various places. So, do you want to go?” “YES, of course.” “Okay, tell everyone and star to back. I will email you the rest of the information.”  “Wait, can anyone come with me?” she sighs, “sorry, no. bye.” Putting my phone away I start to skip to school when I stop. How am I going to tell Ally? I sigh and see Ally glowing and smiling from her locker. I smile and walk up behind her kissing her cheek and hugging her from behind putting my hands on her flat stomach.  She smiles and kisses me before leaving to go to class with Alex. Slinging his arm over her shoulder they leave.
 Man I hate that guy.

After school I go to Ally’s house and knock on the door. Opening the door she smiles. I kiss her and sit down. “Ally, I have to tell you something and I don’t know how.” She sits next to me worried, “Just tell me.” Sighing, “Ally, I got a tour.” She smiles, “That is great. I am so proud of you.” She stops smiling and looks worried again. “Why are you not happy?” “Well, I can’t take anyone with me.” She looks down, “Oh. Well when do you leave?” I look at her, “two weeks.” She looks sad, “How long are you gone for?” I look down, “five months.” I see tears feel her eyes, “Oh, Well this is great. You will be amazing.” “Ally, please don’t cry. I don’t want to go but this is an opportunity I can’t turn down.” She lets a tear slip before wiping it and smiling, “I know, I am crying because I’m happy for you and because I am going to miss you. You will be great. And five months is not that long.” Smiling I pull her in, “You are the best girlfriend ever.”

Austin and Ally- Love Comes AroundDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora