"That's what you get! Karma is a mean girl!" He smirked, saying and got 20's and 30's.

I needed to up my game and fast but how? I smirked and rolled a ball but pretended I hurt my arm. "Ow Matt ow!! Stop Matt help me please I'm serious." I said as I held my arm and he looked at me worryingly.

"What's wrong?!" He sounded scared and held my close.

I grabbed a ball and whined "Help me roll mine it really hurts to play, I think I pulled something."

He smiled softly and kissed my forehead again wrapping his arms around mine from behind me. "I'll be gentle." He whispered in my ear and grabbed my arm with the ball and helped me toss it, we ended up getting 50 points.

I smiled excitedly and jumped into his arms "I WON!!!" I smiled hugging him tightly.

"HEY YOU CHEATED YOUR ARM ISNT HURT!!" His mouth dropped open and gasped.

I smiled innocently and looked down at my feet "I'm sorry Matty I just wanted to win."

He chuckled and shook his head hugging me "Its okay beauti-" before Matt could finish his sentence I heard someone call my name.

"Paisley?" I turned around and it was my Mom on a field trip with her first grade class, she had an angry tone in her voice and told her student teacher to watch the kids while she talked to me.

"Matt run!!" I said and grabbed his hand and we ran out so fast. We tried to lose her in the crowd of people, I heard her yell "Paisley stop running and talk to me!" I was so afraid I started to run faster, we ran outside the building and hid behind the dumpster. I heard my Mom walk outside but give up and go back in. I should have listened and went home but I miss Matt but I also don't want to be in trouble. I looked at Matt and he wiped my tears.

"Let's go." He gave me a piggy back ride towards his house. He passed by Jason's house and then said "Is everything okay Paisley?" I looked down and sighed, not really I miss Hayleigh but I'm also just so angry with her. I don't know what to do now all I have is Matt I don't really have anyone else. My Mom is probably going to murder me, Tyler and I haven't talked much lately, Hayleigh was my best friend and I've lost her because of something so stupid. I regret everything I said to her that day I feel like a complete utter idiot for saying everything I did.

"I'm fine," I held onto him tighter, "let's go please, I don't want to be here." He nodded and left without saying a word as if he knew why I wanted to just stare at Jason's house.

We got to his house and his grandma smiled at us welcoming us back. We sat and watched some TV with her, I was on Matts lap resting my head on his shoulder while he played with my hair. I couldn't stop thinking about Hayleigh and Jason. I wanted to scream and throw things but I couldn't I had no right to scream and throw a fit I deserved everything that happened to me, it just hurts a lot.

Later that week I stayed with Matt and heard Voicemails from my mom saying I was grounded. It was Friday and tonight was the big game, I was ready to cheer when Tyler came up and hugged me.

"Hey squirt I've missed you." Tyler smiled and stretched his body out for the game.

"Hey Tyler how have you been?!" I was happy to see him I've missed him so much incredibly much.

"Good just trying to relax this year's been crazy so far." He said.

I couldn't agree more. Right as I was about to talk Hayleigh came over. "What? Do you want to snap on me again?!" I said, crossing my arms, I wasn't happy with her but I wasn't mad. I missed her so much but at the same time I wanted to scream at her.

"Callie told me everything and how you thought I said stuff to your Mom. I didn't even see your Mom that week till the night of the party and I am so sorry I snapped on you. People were just telling me you were talking about me and everything, I'm sorry Paisley." She sighed and looked really upset and apologetic.

I couldn't help but feel extremely awful like it's all my fault when I know it's not. "Oh well I'm sorry for believing them of you. You are my best friend Hayleigh and I am so sorry about everything I did say and for not talking to you or inviting you. I hope you can forgive me and we can move on."

Hayleigh smiled at me once she heard that. Right away I could tell we were best friends again. "Yes I would like that a lot. I will let you get back to cheering now." She said, smiling and hugged me walking away.

I have my best friend back and that's all I've ever wanted, we cheered and watched the game, it was a hard game but an awesome one. Everyone played so well and I was so proud of them after the game. I ran up to Matt and kissed him, I was so excited for him it was too much to hold. We started walking away from the school once we were all settled to go.

The next day after cheer practice, I was thrilled I was Quarterback on Matt's team. I then looked at him and said "I need to go ask Hayleigh something but she's not here anymore. Can we go to Jason's?"

He smiled and nodded, then we walked over to Jason's to see Hayleigh. Matt was happy for me cause he knows how hard it was for me to lose her. We eventually get there and I knock on the door waiting for someone to come and answer.

"Hello." Lyla opened the door smiling. My jaw dropped I couldn't believe this why was Lyla even here?!

"Lyla why are you here? Where's Hayleigh?!" I was looking around thinking this is a joke! It has to be a joke!

Lyla smirked and rested her body against the door frame. She said "Her and Jason broke up after she got home from practice. The got into a huge fight and he called me to come over."

I couldn't believe everything I was hearing I was so shocked. "What?! Oh My Gosh, I got to go, bye Lyla!" I ran towards Hayleigh's house leaving Lyla and Matt standing there confused as what just happened because it happened so fast. I ran and knocked on her Mom and Dad's door, hoping she'd be there because where else would she go?

"Hello Paisley." Her mom opened the door and smiled at me.

"Is Hayleigh here?! Can I please see her?" I really needed to see her.

"Of course, she's in her room." Her mom said.

I ran up the stairs and knocked on her door "Hayleigh unlock the door please I need to talk to you." I really hoped she was okay. I knew she was in love with Jason you could tell. I need to know what going on because for all I know Lyla is being a hussy and doing whatever she can to get in Jason's pants.


-thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy! :)


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