Company You Keep

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-Paisley's POV-

We were at the competition and I noticed Hayleigh watching me. I was a little creeped out, why would she be watching me so hard? I didn't do anything to her, she is the one who freaking talked bad about me! I didn't do a thing...oh well I guess. We went on a preformed and did so well! I was so proud of everyone. We worked at a team and it truly stood out in our performance. Hayleigh ended up walking towards me a couple minutes after we got off stage looking pretty upset. Great what did she want?! I didn't do a darn thing.

"You claim to be my best friend! I didn't even want to be your friend but you forced yourself on me! We actually hit it off and then my so called best friend didn't talk to me all week. Then I found out she had a party for all these hussies but I didn't even know about it! You are so terrible Paisley you are just all these others! You are just as terrible as I thought you would be and why I avoided you! I trusted you and I told you things I shouldn't have. But you know what makes the maddest, what you said about Jason! He is amazing and for sure not a useless waste of space, you have no room to talk about him! You can say whatever you want to say about me but don't talk about him!" Hayleigh said and was absolutely fuming.

What the heck?! I never said that! Well some of that, scratch that, most of that I didn't say! I thought then replied "Hayleigh what the heck are you talking about? I never said he was a waist of space! I wouldn't say that about Jason ever! Matt is so awkward he can't even cope with everything yet. Jason was always able to cope with everything so quickly! You're being ridiculous and whoever told you that lie, and made you think your best friend actually said that is stupid and a big fat HUGE liar! Why would I say that about your boyfriend?! Hayleigh, Lyla, Callie, and Tessa came up to me and told me that hated me and were talking crap about me." I was so mad at her for putting words in my mouth. I couldn't believe she actually thought I said that. Wow, what friend thinks another would say that about their best friend? I know I did say somethings but I wasn't that harsh.

"Why should I even believe any of that?" Hayleigh folded her arms and stood there waiting for an answer.

"Seriously Hayleigh?! You honestly think your best friend would say that about you and your boyfriend?!" I said, really offended.

Hayleigh said "I do think you said it, you've been avoiding me all week! I am so done with this friendship. I told you way more than you needed to know and you go and treat me that way. I'm so done with you Paisley it's not even funny how done I am with you."

I was so shocked, did she really just say that? I ask myself and said "You know what Hayleigh? Go! I don't need you! I never in my life needed you! I just wanted another friend but if you listen to every single lie you hear then leave! I don't need to be friends with people who think everything they hear is true so go! I don't even want to see you- scratch that, I don't even want to be in the same room as you! I hate you Hayleigh!" I turned to walk away from this whole mess but I heard Hayleigh scoff and open her mouth.

"Fine Paisley go! I could care less of what you do or where you go. But let me just tell you this one little thing. You're going to get home and replay this whole mess in your head and then you're going to be like 'I don't need her! We weren't even that close anyway!' Then you're going to act all tough and be friends with Lyla, Tessa, and Callie and you're going to think its the best time of your life but it really isn't. Your grades are falling, your relationship with Matt is falling apart, and Lyla might say she's there for you but she really isn't. The thing about Lyla is she's a huge liar. So then your heart will be broken again because your so called 'best friend' wasn't there for you, so don't come crying to me when that happens because I will tell you I told you so. I will not be there for you Paisley Hale, you know why? Because you weren't there for me when I needed you the most!" She said and smacked me across my face and walked away.

I held my hand up to my mouth. I couldn't believe what just happened. I was standing there in shock looking where she used to be standing when Lyla walked over to me and said "Hey it's okay Paisley, you know I'm here for you and what she said about me wasn't true. I won't leave your side and be so rude to you like she did, let's go stretch and relax. We'll get a new captain and we'll all be happy again." Lyla patted my back and guided me over to the rest of the team.

What did Lyla mean by new captain? I didn't think Hayleigh was actually leaving us. Seriously? She's leaving us in mid-season!

I shoved the girls out of my way and walked outside. I wanted to cry from being so furious with her. I had my fist clinched and I couldn't stand still. Who does she think she is just leaving us like that over a dumb little fight! Why doesn't she suck it up and just cheer, it's not that hard to act like a freaking adult! I screamed and I sat there on the ground just cried. Every emotion I had overpowered me and just poured out of my body. First I was angry, now I'm crying, soon I got scared about the team and what would happen, then I was happy she was gone and out of my life. I stayed under the tree crying not knowing what else to do. I heard footsteps walk up towards me and a body sit down. I didn't even look who it was I kept my knees to my chest crying in them.

"Hey what's wrong?" A strong pair of arms wrapped around my body. The voice sounded deep and soft.

I sniffed and knew exactly who it was, Matt. "E-Everything..." I sobbed in my knees not wanting to look up at him. I'm sure my makeup is running, my face is all red, my eyes are most likely puffy. Nothing new he hasn't seen but I just don't want to show him.

"Hey look at me, let's talk about this." He said.

"H-Hayleigh and I g-got into a huge f-fight...." I said, crying more not being able to stop.

"Tell me everything that happened." He rubbed my back and rested his back against the tree ready to listen to every detail I had to tell him.

"Tessa, Lyla, and Callie told me a lot about what Hayleigh was saying about me so I ignored her instead of fighting about it. I had a party last night and we played truth or dare and they asked me what I thought of Hayleigh so I said my honest opinion. Someone told Hayleigh what I said and now she's acting like the victim in the situation but I didn't do anything...she started all of it and now I'm getting the blame for it and looking like the bad guy. I don't want to be the bad guy..."

I cried in his shirt as he sighed "It's okay Paisley, I have you. Don't worry about it okay? It'll all be okay soon and you know what? Let's go get some ice cream, what do you say?"

I know I'm grounded from Matt but that sounds awesome. I've missed him so much. I sniffed and looked up at him smiling softly. "I would like that a lot..." He wiped the tears from my face and planted a kiss on my lips.

I couldn't help but smile and kiss back, I've missed this boy so much "We'll go after the competition. Let's go back now."

He grabbed my hand and went inside. He sat down and smiled cheering me on. I went backstage and watched everyone preform again until the last performance. Everyone was extremely good I was in shock at the amounts people would go to. We all lined up and hoped we would win our turn.

"And our top three cheer teams are." they looked at the card and spoke again. "Third place goes to Westerby Chaps!" They smiled and cheered. We all clapped for them. "Second place goes to...Gatling Eagles!" They smiled and jumped up and down. This is it, first place. Come on baby please call us!! "Your overall winner is...DILLON PANTHERS!"

I smiled and screamed jumping up and down we all got into a group hug and smiled grabbing the trophy.

I walked towards Matt ignoring everything "Ready to go?" I smiled and said.

He kissed me and said "Congrats on the win beautiful and yes."

I smiled and hugged him "Thank you." We walked to the ice cream parlor and sat there talking and eating our ice cream. I've missed him more than anything in my entire life.

"I've missed you Paisley." He looked down and said.

I blushed, I couldn't help but smile and kissed his cheek "I've missed you too Matt. I'm going to do whatever it takes to be with you. Even if that means sneaking out." I smiled and sighed about how I had to sneak around to see him but oh well I've missed him so much.


-thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy! :)


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