Chapter 23: Florida

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"Sweetie you need to relax." She says laughing. "You're acting like I'm about to convict you of murder!"

"You might as well be! You're a freaking lawyer!" I exclaim laughing with her. I can feel the redness in my cheeks fading away. "Now if you'll excuse me I need to start packing."

I start walking towards the stairs.

"You haven't even started packing yet?" She calls toward the stairs.

"Nope!" I yell, popping the "p.' I make my way into my room and set my suitcase on the bed. I spend over an hour throwing things on the floor, when Austin walks into my room.

"Hey baby." He says coming up behind me and kissing my cheek.

"Hey." I say, still staring into my closet.

"And this is why I told you to start packing earlier this week." He says sitting on my bed.

I turn around and put my hands on my hips. "Well you should be a good boyfriend and help me, and not mock me."

Austin chuckles. "You're cute when you pout."

I roll my eyes at him and try to turn around, but he stands up and walks over to me. He puts his hands on my hips and pulls me back towards the bed. He lays down and lays me on top of him so that I'm straddling him. My hands land on either side of his head, and his hands rest on the sides of my hips. I lean my head down and we start kissing. I move my hands into his hair; his hands slide up and go under the hem of my shirt. I get the same feeling I got last night, where I just want to rip his clothes off right now. I pull him over me, so that we flip over. Austin's now on top of me, kissing my neck. My hands move to the hem of his shirt and quickly pull it off of him. He leans back down and slams his lips to mine. Austin's hand moves to the outside of my thigh, and the other rests on my neck. I keep my legs pressed against the sides of his body. My hands go back to his neck, holding him closer to me.

Austin pulls away, his breathing heavy. "Ok, I need a break.'

I lay my head back down breathing just as heavy as he is. "Yeah, me too."

Austin stands up and pulls me up with him. "Where'd you throw my shirt?"

I look around and it vanished under the abyss that is my clothes. "We'll find it after you help me pack."

"You just want an excuse for me to walk around showing off my abs don't you?' He asks smirking at me.

"I mean its a plus.' I say winking at him.

Austin pushes my forehead, turning me to face the closet. "Start packing freak."

I stick my tongue out at him, before grabbing random clothes from my closet. Austin and I spend the next three or four hours packing my suitcase. I'm only going for a week, but finding clothes is so difficult; especially when Austin won't tell me what we're going to be doing there.

Finally it's five-thirty, Austin and I are loading up his mom's rental car and saying goodbye to my family. Grey gives me an extra long hug.

"I miss you Calli." He says into my stomach.

"I'll miss you too bubba." I  squat down so I'm at his level. "I'll see you in seven days okay? And you can call me, just ask mommy alright?"

He nods excitedly, and squeezes me goodbye one last time. Austin and I load the car with Dave and Michelle. Thankfully our flight isn't delayed, so we load right a way. We load the plane at seven o'clock, and land shortly after midnight. It's almost one in the morning by the time we make it to Austin's house.

The next morning is when all of the fun starts. Austin and I seep in different rooms that night. I wake up the next morning, hearing lots of male voices. Thankfully there's a bathroom connected to my room, so I quickly take a shower and make myself look presentable. I blow dry my hair and walk around the hallway, following the voices.

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