17 | Getting Obliterated

Start from the beginning

"All right. Neither of them are answering. I gotta go see what's going on..." Stiles grabs his stuff,

"You're leaving?" Liam pipes up.

"What are you gonna to tell Coach?" I chime in, before we all look over at Coach.

"Stupid! Stupid old-" Coach begins throwing a tantrum.

"Uh, you don't tell him anything. Okay? Liam, you're gonna be okay. All right?" Stiles reassures, patting Liam on the back before standing up.

I shoot him a nod, which he returns, before the whistle blows.

I stand up, and being walking back onto the field.

I turn around to see Liam standing still, with his head slightly turned.

"Liam! Get on the field!" Coach demands, causing my eyebrows to furrow.

The whistle is blown, and Liam immediately takes the ball.

I try to follow him, until someone swipes at his stick, causing the ball to leave his hold.

The crowd immediately boos, and Liam and I try to run back to take them down.

I turn around when I see Liam isn't by my side anymore, he's standing still, once again, but this time he's staring blankly at the Devenford players charging our way.

"Liam!" I shout, before getting immediately toppled by the players. I grunt in pain when I hit the ground.

"Liam, for the love of God, move!" Coach shouts, and I looked up from my spot on the ground, to see all of the players run right past Liam.

Brett takes a shot at the goal, and scores.

There are many boos from the crowd, and Coach face palms.

I groan, letting my head fall back onto the ground, as black stars form in my field of vision.

"Pretty.." I continue staring at the stars.

"Somebody get Shields off the field." Coach shouts, and several players, along with Liam, help me over to the bench.

"I'm fine.." I swat them away, continuing to have horrible vision. They all let me go, and I immediately lose my balance.

"Whoa.." some of them mutter, helping me onto the bench.

"Liz, I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention-" Liam kneels in front of me, pulling my helmet off of my head.

"It's fine..you just blanked for a few seconds." I lightly smile, as another teammate hands me an icepack.

"Thanks," I mumble, immediately holding it to my head.

The whistle blows once more, and Liam moves to go back onto the field.

"Wait." I call out, and he turns around. I pull his helmet off, and kiss him.

We continue kissing before another whistle blows, and I hand him his helmet.

"Go get em.." I smile, and with wide eyes, he takes off onto the field.

"Come on, Liam.." I mumble, watching the game carefully as my vision was now clear.

Beacon Hills was getting totally obliterated out there, and I can't even do anything about it...something about me not being well enough to play..

Complete bullshit in my opinion..

Liam continues dodging players with the ball in his stick, until he reaches Brett.

Concealment ∞ Liam Dunbar [2]Where stories live. Discover now