We got up to his room and the man went to the side table. He pulled out the room service menu and set it on the bed. I went over to him and looked in his eyes to see what he wanted me to do first. That's how it is. It's not about conversation ever, just sex then leaving.

"I was thinking I could feed you first then I'll blow you and you can ride me. You look on the scrawny side and I want you to look healthy when we do this. Pick whatever you want." He told me in a kind voice. I nodded and immediately pointed out a big burger with chips. He smiled and kissed my cheek before calling it up. He then pulled out his wallet and waved it too me like he needed a price on this.

"Blow job will be three, ride will be six. Anything else is one hundred extra." I told him. He nodded like those number ment nothing to him. He pulled out the three hundred and put it on the side table for me to see it. As if it were there so close for me to just take it, but I needed to work harder for it.

"I'm Claflin, by the way. I don't usually do this, but you were just so... enticing that I couldn't just leave you there." He said, reaching out to get my jacket off. He slipped my t-shirt down off my shoulder to kiss the tattooed skin then looked me in the eyes.

"I'm Zayn. I hope I'm everything you're imaging I'll be." I whispered. He leaned in to kiss my lips, but thankfully there was a knock on the door. I knew I was going to need to have the talk with him about no kissing, but the second I saw the man with room service come in I forgot anything.

The first bite I took of my hamburger reminded me I hadn't had a proper meal in three months. I had been living off of crackers or getting cigarettes from some people to forget the ever growing grumble in my stomach. The man that had called himself Claflin watched me eat sadly before pouring himself a glass of red wine. He sat on the bed next to me placing his hand on my thigh.

"You were hungry I guess." He said slowly. I nodded and swallowed my mouthful. I saw in his eyes he was getting a little inpatient then looked back to see my half eaten hamburger and most of my chips were still there. I sighed because I knew if I actually finished this like I wanted to then I would probably loose money. So I pushed away the cart my food was on and took a sip of his wine before climbing on top of the man in a slutty way.

"You can finish, I don't mind." He said, but the way his hands rest on my bum made me know he didn't mean his words at all. He kissed my collarbone then slipped off my shirt. He looked over my body before throwing me off him to the bed. I let out a grunt at how hard I landed, but bit my lip to stay silent. He kissed my belly button then continued to go down. My jeans and underwear were taken off, but I embarrassingly wasn't even the least bit hard.

"I've got you, baby." He whispered against my skin and begin to touch me. I closed my eyes and forced myself not to go back in my mind to my childhood, but I didn't have enough control. The man touched me and worked me up so I was hard, but none of me wanted this. All I felt like was that seven year old boy that got violated by nearly every man that my mother had brought home.

My back arched off the bed once his mouth was on me. My hands fisted the blankets under me and a soft whimper left my mouth. He pulled my hands up and placed them in his gray hair. I pulled on it, hoping that's what he wanted then thrust my hips up. Tears slid down my face as I continued to use this man's mouth like he wanted me to, but I didn't want any of it. I looked over at the money on the side table and bit my lip to stop crying. I needed that money, that's why I was doing this.

I released with a small warning and closed my eyes so I didn't have to see anything. They remained closed until he kissed back up my body and gently wiped my tears. I let out another soft cry when my stomach grumbled. I didn't want this to be how I did my job today at all, but with me staying up all night thinking of that young police officer and the flash backs from my childhood, I just couldn't stop myself.

"Hey, it's okay. Whatever is bothering you will be okay." Claflin said softly. I opened my eyes and saw he actually looked like he cared. But my cold heart told me that he was pretty much paying me for this so he was only pretending to care so he could fuck me. He kissed my forehead and brushed my hair way.

"Thank you. I'm really sorry for this. I hope I can make it up to you." I said, sitting up on the bed. He reached out and placed his hand on my thin stomach. I leaned down and kissed his shoulder then pushed him up to the top of the bed. I stripped off all his clothes and looked at his hard member. I looked back at him and saw his eyes were full of questions. I ignored that and reached over to the drawer hoping to find a condom.

"How did you get here?" He asked me. I just ignored his question and slipped on the condom for him. He watched me as I prepped myself with the lube and forced myself to press my prostate hard so that I would feel pleasure in this too. Just before I dropped down on his length he tried kiss me. I pulled back and shook my head at him. He huffed like he understood and let me continue to do what I do best. However, a pair of blue eyes that belonged to a stranger continued to flash through my mind in a way that made me feel differently about what I was doing. I almost felt guilty.

A/N: this is going to get more fun. Sorry about Zayn having sex with everyone but Niall, but time will fix that. What television shows to you watch(if you watch any)!?!??!?!??! Comment/ Vote!
-Bri ;)

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