Chapter 25

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Zayn's POV

Greg and I ran out of the building with a very limp Niall in his arms. I tried to keep pressure on Niall's chest and stomach, but it was hard to keep up with Greg because he hadn't just been roughly fucked by some drug dealer. We made it outside and looked around to where there would be some sort of help for my Niall. I pushed Greg to where there was a single ambulance waiting. He sprinted that way and I pushed through the insane amount of police officers.

One of the paramedics rushed the gurney to where we were running and met us halfway. Niall was taken from me and his brother, but we both went running after them. By now, Greg was crying his eyes out and telling Niall he didn't see him while I was angry at myself for just staying right where Niall left me before he went to be a real police officer. The paramedics cut away Niall's shirt and placed an oxygen mask over his face. They started to put stuff on the places that were oozing blood, but the way they were all yelling was telling me they knew it was more critical than they thought.

"What happened to him?!" Niall's dad came running over yelling. Greg explained that he had accidentally shot him because he didn't see him behind some other man, but that got him a nice punch in the face from his dad before he was grabbed by the collar of his police uniform. I stepped back incase it needed to leave, but I wasn't really going to leave Niall's side.

"You're supposed to protect him! We both know he needs to be protected! I was worried someone in there got him, but instead it was his own damn brother that shot him! Get the hell away from him!" Niall's dad screamed and ran over to check on Niall. I climbed in the ambulance to see if he would be okay, but the paramedics just ordered that he needed to be raced to the hospital. Niall's dad climbed in next to me and reached out for Niall's hand. He kept chocking back his sobs, so I knew I couldn't fall apart yet. I needed to be strong even though I was pretty much watching the love of my life slip right through my fingers.

"He's going into cardiac arrest." One of the nurses said. That's when I let the first of my tears actually fall. Niall's dad had to let go of his son's hand while the paramedics rushed to get Niall strapped up to something. There was a moment where the heart monitor that Niall was attracted to went into a flat line and I lost it. I buried my face in my hands and sobbed like I never had before. I heard to electric shocks be sent to Niall's body. Each one didn't help get that beautiful heart beat of his back to me.

"One more! Please! He's my baby!" Niall's dad screamed at them when mumbles of giving up started to fill the ambulance. I looked up at Niall and wanted to tell him to stop playing this game and wake up because it wasn't funny at all. The paramedics tried one more time to get his heart beating again, but nothing happened.

We waited a few seconds thinking that we lost him. Niall's dad took one of my hands in his like he was about to pass out and needed something to hold on to. I clutched his hand back, but I felt like I was about to be sick. There was no way I could live my life without my Niall. He's everything to me. He's equivalent to the oxygen I breathe to live. Without him, there's nothing for me to inhale to continue on. The soft beeps of Niall's heart filled the ambulance after what felt like the longest three seconds of everyone's lives. We all let out a sigh of relief while I broke down in tears along with Mr.Horan. He looked at me and whispered that Niall was still with us, as if that's what would make this real to him. I nodded and looked back over to my extremely pale boyfriend. I didn't like looking at him like this, but I knew he still had his heart fighting so he would be better very soon.

When we got to the hospital, Niall was taken from us right to surgery. We both went to the waiting room and sat down in the chairs there. Mr.Horan pulled out his phone and begin making phone calls to people while all the images I had forever burned in my mind flashed by. I looked down at my hands and saw they were covered with Niall's dried blood. That was the last thing I needed to make my stomach churn. I ran to the nearest bin and threw up what was in my stomach. Once I was done, I slid down the wall and continued to cry quietly into my hands that still had my boyfriend's blood on them.

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