Chapter 20

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Niall's POV

Soft kisses being placed on my hips woke me from the light sleep I was trying to get before I knew I had to get to work. Zayn's facial hair would tickle me with some of the soft kisses I would receive. I opened my eyes and looked down to see Zayn looking up at me with his big brown eyes full of love. I yawned and lazily reached down to softly scratch his furry cheek. He nuzzled into that before he went back to kissing up my naked body. I just laid there and enjoyed his lips on my skin. Occasionally, he would suck a gentle mark somewhere, but it wasn't something to make me feel pain.

"Good morning, beautiful." Zayn finally said. I let my eyes close again, but me getting rolled over to my stomach was enough to wake me back up in confusion. I didn't ask or try to stop the man that was pretty much controlling my body at the moment. I just enjoyed that he was so open to doing stuff like this. Especially now that I know the worst thing that prostitution had brought him.

Zayn started to kiss from the tops of my shoulders, down my back then over my bum. I felt myself start to become more hard than I already was just from waking up. Zayn sucked a soft love bite on my bum then reached up to get a pillow from next to me. He picked up my hips with his arm and placed the pillow under me. I looked back at him with a heavy blush. He just smirked at me and spread both my cheeks and went down so his hot breath was over my more private area. I shivered and looked away from him.

"Just relax and enjoy this, love." Zayn mumbled into my skin before linking over my hole. I took his advice to relax because I knew I was already getting too worked up from just the thought of what he was about to do to me. My head was rest on a pillow and whimpered when Zayn's tongue licked out again in a flat stripe. I pressed back into his face and bit my lip because he was amazing.

Zayn worked on just lazily licking me to loosen me up before he started poking his tongue against me. The more he worked me, the more pleasure I felt. My hands fisted the sheets that had already been loosened up from last night's events. My eyes rolled to the back of my head when Zayn added his finger to me. He moved it next to his tongue and pressed my sensitive place. I bucked back into him a few times before my legs stopped being able to control. I moaned out a rough sound that Zayn must have liked that because he began to work harder to get me to make more of the sound.

Soon, I was close to screaming with each movement given to me. I reached between the pillow to touch myself with a shaky hand. It literally took one stroke of my hand, one lick of Zayn's tongue around my hole and one press from his finger to my prostate to send me over the edge. My body jerked forward and begin to shake as the most amazing climax ripped through my body. It took a few seconds for it to be over, but even after my sensitive body was still running at a high. I reached mack clumsily to get Zayn to stop touching me because it was starting to hurt.

Zayn crawled up to lay next to me. I had a few minutes of breathing time before my alarm clock went off. I laughed sleepily and looked at Zayn who obviously knew he wanted to wake me up in time for that. I reached out to shove him from me, but he just leaned forward to kiss my cheek. I rolled to my back and messed up my hair that was pretty gross and sweaty. I looked at Zayn and saw him just looking at me like he couldn't love me more right now. That made me smile and pet his stomach.

"Let's get showered up so you can go protect the world." Zayn said. I was sleepy now so I rolled over so I was laying on top of him. He got me off him enough so he could get out of bed and pick me up. He carried me into the bathroom. Both of us were already naked so we just got in the shower and turned on the water. Zayn set me down so I could start washing myself off.

Both of us ended up spending more time just kissing than actually washing off, but we got out of the shower and hot dried off. There was some more kissing there too, but once we saw what a mess we made of our bed, we started laughing. I watched Zayn get dressed pretty fast, but I still got to admire the way his tattoos looked over his body. I went to get my uniform on while Zayn started getting the dirty sheets and pillowcases off the bed. He took those to the washing machine while I finished up getting dressed. Once I was finished, I went to find Zayn and saw he was just standing there like he was making sure he turned on everything right. I wrapped my arms around the man and kissed his neck.

Life Of A Prostitute (Ziall Horlik) AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora