Chapter 21

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Zayn's POV

I spent the first few hours after Niall left to work just reading my book that I had been getting into. It was pretty good, especially because it had little notes on the side that Niall had left from when he read it. Some of the things he underlined made me laugh because he found them funny or things that he thought were cute. I found those more interesting than the actual book. The more I got into the book, the more I felt my heart melt for him. At one point, it started speaking of a little boy that didn't want to go to school, and Niall put a a small note saying he would like to go to his classroom if he were his teacher. I had to put the book down and take a moment because that's all Niall wants out of anything.

I think he would be a great teacher. He would care about his students and if he was helping them learn in the best way possible. Being a nursery school teacher would be something that would make Niall such a different man. He would be so much happier than he is now. I see that look in his eyes when he has to go to work. All I want to do in the morning is give him something to smile about when he has to deal with something that will take the smile away. That's why I did what I did this morning because I knew it would make him happy to know he's loved. Last night I know we both felt the love between us, I just figured I should keep the love going and show him this morning.

I think the most amazing part about doing stuff with Niall is that it doesn't feel like a chore or a job. It feels like we both do it for pleasure and love. Also the amount of fun it is to get him worked up and watch him fall. I was glad he understood why I didn't want to bottom. Especially after all the times I've done it and all the nightmarish memories that come with doing the intimate action. Even if I've been away from that part of my life for a while, the more it tries to sneak up behind me and wrap me up with something that I know now I'm better than. Niall has showed me I so much better than what I put myself into. But even with that, I still can't get rid of the way I feel towards the memories that pop into my mind.

Sometime between setting the book down and just thinking, I fell asleep. My dreams were weird because for once it wasn't a nightmare. I still wasn't used to having dreams, but having Niall next to me always made it feel safer. This dream was about my dad. It was a memory of waking up on my fourth birthday to have him in my room giving me a present that turned out to be a Power Ranger action figure. That day we both stayed in our pajamas watching the telly, but it was special to me I guess. Of course, my good dream of happy times with my father had to be ruined by the memories of my mum that day. My parents fought with each other because she was drunk. I went into the kitchen to see what they were yelling about, but that got me a beer bottle smash into my little arm that was ment to hit my father. I'll never forget how my dad picked me up and ran with me out of the house as blood dripped down my arm. He took me to the hospital to get thirteen stitches then out for ice cream, but the ice cream just melted in its cup because I felt so confused about what happened that made my mum act the way she did.

I sat up on the couch with a cold sweat going through my body. My hand went to the spot on my arm that was a small bumpy scar that was covered by tattoos now. My heart was beating slightly as I tried to fix what was rushing through my mind. Now is when I wished I could just call Niall up and hear his voice even for a second because it would make me feel better. I moved my hands and got up to go change out of my now slightly damp clothes and splash water on my face. I got into the bedroom and got one of Niall's favorite t-shirts on even if it was a little short on me. I also got some jeans on instead of sweats then went out to the small balcony that was off the bedroom. I took in a few deep breaths and just looked out at the cars driving on the street. I smiled when I saw Niall's car pull up. I didn't know how long I had taken a nap for, but I didn't really care because I got to have my Niall back now. I stayed on the balcony and waited to hear Niall come into the flat.

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