Chapter 2

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Niall's POV

If there's one thing I hate more than anything it's to have the night shift. I've only been out of the police academy for about two months, but those two months have been me getting all the crappy shifts that no one actually wants. I get picked on a little because I am just a rookie. The only thing kind of helps me out is that my father is the chief of the Bradford unit and my older brother is an experienced offer on the filed. I guess you could say that being a cop was just a family thing.

My dad had worked in the police department back in Ireland until I was fifteen. He was offered a job out here and the pay offer was really great, so we moved. All of us got settled into our new lives here, but I didn't truly fit in because I was already an awkward person to begin with then adding the fact I was discovering myself during this time kind of made me the black sheep of my school. I graduated and went straight to the police academy and spent four years there. I kind fit in better there even though the training was incredibly hard but only because my brother and my dad had status there.

"We're going to drive downtown first then we'll stop for a break if there isn't anything." My dad said as he got in the driver's seat. We both had the night shift together, but really I think he just wanted this time with me to see who I was actually doing as an officer. To be honest, I wasn't doing that great.

Just the other day I had to make an arrest of a teenage kid that stoll a piece of candy from the grocery store. The poor guy was crying and said he just wanted to fit in with the group of friends he was with. Of course, his friends ran once we pulled up to make the arrest. If it were up to me, I would have let him go with a warning. He wasn't a bad kid, he was just with the he wrong crowed and I understood that completely. But, my partner I was with, Liam Payne, said I needed to make the arrest even if I didn't want to. That night I went to my little flat and cried myself to sleep because I knew I probably just sparked that young man's rage towards the police or started his life to get worse because no one wants to hire a kid that's been arrested. Liam told me that because he knew he did wrong that he probably learned, but I didn't believe him.

Liam Payne is a really nice guy that sees my views on things. Those views are that everyone deserves a chance, but he knows that with this job not everyone will take it. He's been on the force for two years now, but he's good at his job and everyone respects him. We spend our days off together and have some fun when we're working. He's a good friend to have and helps me enjoy work just a little bit more.

The car started to drive away from the station, making me look at my dad to see if maybe he was going to talk to me. He seemed focused on his driving, making me know he probably didn't want to talk. We didn't have the best of a father-son relationship. He was always allot closer to my brother Greg than he was to me, but I had a personality to where I wanted to impress my father. I wanted to make him proud of me. That's why I'm a police officer. If I were different, then it would have been a nursery school teacher, but I wanted to do something in my life that would make my father proud so I did this. I just tell myself I haven't been working on the force long enough to actually like the job.

"Theo is getting big now." My dad finally said after nearly a full hour of us just sitting in silence driving around. He was speaking of my little nephew who was three years old. My brother had been married for three years as well, but they knew that they wanted to start a family right away. They were a cute little family, and my father was very proud of Greg.

"He is. I found some little shoes that match mine and I'm going to give him them tomorrow." I said happily. My dad smiled, then made a sound like he was thinking.

"When do you think you'll be ready to settle down?" He asked me slowly. I let out a silent breath and forced myself not to roll my eyes. I'm in a respected police uniform, I'd rather my father not slap me like a child in it.

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