Start from the beginning

Danny, Axl, Alyx, Sam, Cam, James, Jack, Alex, Kellin, Jesse, Ronnie, Dad, more bands...more people...holy shit!

I gasped and fell back into Ben. Ben laughed and steadied me. "You alright?" He grinned stupidly at me. I covered my mouth with my hand and giggled. 

"BEN!" I screamed, hugging him tightly. I heard laughs and music started playing again. I leaned back and smiled at him. 

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" shouted voices. I grinned and brushed hair out of his face. 

"I love you, Ben!" I bit my lip. 

"I love you too." He told me, kissing me long and hard. There were whoops of laughter and I grinned. "Go say hi to your fans!" he said swiping my ass in the process. I shot him a look and skipped away. 

"Ronnie!" I giggled coming up to see my old friend. He was one of my dad's first clients. Ronnie Radke smiled at me and held open his tattooed arms for me. I hugged him tightly. "I miss you!" 

"I miss you too, kiddo! Wow, you're growing up!" He winked at me. "Seems just like yesterday you were sixteen and annoyed as fuck at some ex boyfriend." I grinned and bit my lip. 

"Yeah! Well...that was four years ago. Ugh. I miss you so much, you booger." 

"We need to hang out soon!" Ronnie promised, drinking some water. I winked at him. "See you around." He said. "Happy birthday." 

"Thanks!" Soon, I was being swept up into another hug. 

"Jordyn Fucking Ash!" shrieked a voice. I struggled to see who was hugging me and I giggled. 

"Alan Fucking Ashby! How are you?" I screamed. Alan grinned and rubbed at his hair. 

"I'm good! You're almost there." he winked. "Then you can sing Taylor Swift with me!" he was referring to the song that decided to play which was playing a remix to Taylor's song, '22'. I rolled my eyes as he sang 22 off key and really loudly. The man next to him coughed and I grinned up at him. 

"Hi!" I grinned up at him. Austin beamed down at me. 

"Happy birthday, Jordyn." He told me, leaning down to kiss my cheek. I laughed and hugged him. 

"How are you, slender man?" I asked, playing with my hair. 

"I've been good, shorty." he replied, drinking from his beer. I grinned. 

"I'm gonna go find Ben. I'll be right back!" I called. Austin and Alan nodded. 

I aimlessly walked through the crowd trying to find Ben. I found him and Christian Coma talking together next to the rest of BVB and AA. 

"Ben!" I shouted. Ben looked over at me and smiled. 

"Hey! Do you like your party so far?" he asked, swinging me to his side. I grinned and kissed his chin, the soft stubble making me giggle. 

"Yeah! It's wonderful. You're so sweet for doing this for me," I sweet talked him. He laughed and kissed my cheek. 

"Hi, Jordyn!" Andy said, stopping his conversation with Danny and Cam.  

"Hi!" I replied, not leaving Ben's side. I had some history with Andy, and I wasn't really ready to explain what happened between us. He smiled weakly at me and winked. 

"Lovely party, don't you think?" 

"Mmmhm." I replied. "Ben's such a sweetie for doing this for me. I wish I could out do him for tomorrow." 

"Tonight's your night." Ashley interrupted, sensing the tension between us. I smiled at Ashley and he winked at me casually. I bit my lip and shied away. Ben stiffened next to me. 

"You okay?" he whispered. 

"Yeah. I'm fine." I told him. "I have to use the bathroom. I'll be right back." 

Ben nodded to me and I walked away quickly, trying not to think of Andy. 


(A/N: I have nothing against Andy Biersack. In fact, I think he's a wonderful person and he and Juliet are a wonderful couple. I know they're happily together. HAPPILY TOGETHER. Remember, this is a fanFIC fanFICTION FICTION!!!! FICTION!!!! kthnxbai)

I stumbled into the bathroom, my mouth twisted into a frown. Andrew fucking Biersack. I don't know about him. I mean, I still loved him. When I was seventeen, Ashley started therapy and Andy had to be his ride. Andy and I spent more and more time with each other and soon, we were dating. He was nineteen and we were talking about spending forever with each other. Then music got in the way and I was left alone. He cheated on me while he was on tour, making me start to cut. And then...just like that...he started dating Juliet and they're together and they seem pretty happy with each other. Without me. I was totally forgotten. 

He even denied every dating me. What the fuck? I turned on the water and stood there, staring at my reflection. You're not going to cry. You are not going to are not going to-

"Jordyn, are you in here?" asked the soft voice of Andy. I clenched my jaw as the door started to open. Dammit, why didn't I lock it? He opened the door and shut it behind him, locking it. I frowned and backed into the wall, my mouth quivering. 

"Andy, go away. Please." I sighed. "I don't want to talk to you." 

Andy leaned against the wall and smirked at me. "You're still upset about three years ago? Honestly, babe, I thought you'd be over that by now." 

"Don't call me that." I snapped, rolling my eyes. "I'm not your 'babe'. Can you please just go?" 

Andy grinned and walked closer to me, closing the small gap between us. 

"Why not? I thought you liked me." Andy whispered, his mouth coming to my ear. 

"Andrew..." I sighed, trying to push past him, but he grabbed my wrist. He looked at me and bit his lip ring, his smile playful. 

"Did you miss me?" 

"Andy, stop. I'm with Ben." I muttered, pushing him away. Andy tightened his grip and snickered at my feeble attempts. 

"I missed you." Andy breathed, his fingers trailing my sides and hands. I closed my eyes and sank my teeth in my lip. I felt his warm lips travel up to kiss my cheek. I flinched back as his tongue traced down my throat and to my collar bone. He gripped both of my wrists and pinned me to the wall, my hands raised above me. He towered over me and I blinked up at him. 

"Andy..." I murmured, my attempts to escape were powerless. "Please...don't do this." 

"Don't do what?" he teased. "This?" He bit softly at the collar of my dress. I closed my eyes and threw my head to the side. "This?" He asked, his mouth over my breast. "This?" He whispered, his hand creeping up my dress. 

It felt like hours when he pulled away, satisfied with what he did to me. He winked at me and smugly smiled. 

"I don't think you'd be stupid enough to tell anyone." He chuckled, leaving me a quivering mess in the corner of the room. "And if you do...well...good luck to you." Andy turned off the water and looked at me, smirking. "Anyways, you'd be to blame. You didn't even try to stop me." He chuckled and winked and walked out of the room. I collapsed and started sobbing. Goddamn it, not again. 

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