Chapter 13

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Zoe's POV

Me and Cher haven't spoken all week. I've tried apologising to her but she just gives me blank looks. I don't think she's with Tyler anymore. I'm such an idiot. What was the point of trying to win Tyler back anyway? He's only good for his looks. Tyler rang me and asked me if we would like to get back together but I just told him to piss off and hung up on him. 

Boys should never come before friendship and especially your family. I let that happen and I feel so bad. It's just that me and Tyler were really happy together and we had some great times and I wanted to go back and relive those memories but I couldn't. 

And now I don't only have no boyfriend, I also have no sister. So I decided to move out because I'm almost 20 years old and I need to have my own home. 

Yes, it's going to be weird living on my own but at least I'll be away from Cher and her blank looks. Just before she started acting like a stranger to me, she told me that she doesn't want me to have anything to do with the baby. I felt hurt because I had been so excited about being an auntie but now I'll probably never see my own niece or nephew. 

So for the past month I've been looking at cheap apartments and I found one half an hour from my old house. It's small with one bedroom so I decided to take it. And for the past week, I've been packing my suitcase and moving things out of my room and into boxes.

Mum came into my room one day whilst I was packing. "Are you sure you want to move out?"

"Yes, 100%." 

"OK." Suddenly she pulled me in for a hug. "I'm going to miss you so much! I can't believe you're moving out already."

"Well, I am turning 20 in a few months, so I'll be an adult soon." 

"I know. I remember when we moved here when you were 8 and you said that you wanted pink and butterflies and fairies all over your bedroom." Mum wiped a few tears away.

"Aw, Mum, don't cry." I laughed.

"No, no, I'm not. It's just, wow, my little girl is growing up so fast!" Mum giggled.

"Anyway this isn't the last time I'm going to see you ever, you can help me move the stuff inside my flat." I said. "And you can visit whenever you want." I added.

"Of course." Mum nodded.

I went back to packing and thought about what it was going to be like having my own home.

Cher's POV

Zoe's moving out. I'm glad. OK, well maybe I'm a tiny bit sad because she is my sister and even though we've acted like enemies most of our lives, we were getting on really well until Zoe slept with Tyler and got herself pregnant. OK fine, I can't talk because I slept with Tyler when he was with Zoe but I didn't know they were together and Zoe knew me and Tyler were together. After seeing Zoe in hospital after she had the miscarriage, I told Tyler that I didn't want to be with him anymore. Yes, Zoe did have sex with Tyler but he still had sex with her. He told me that he was having problems choosing between me or her so I told him that I didn't want him anymore so he might as well go with Zoe. I haven't seen them together recently so maybe she said no to him. 

I thought about moving into Zoe's room because it's bigger than mine and closer to the spare room which is where the baby's room is going to be. 

I've decided to keep the baby because, even though it will be hard, this might be my only chance at being a mother, because I don't know, in the future I could fail to find a husband or to conceive again. 

I'm 7 months now and I've began to wear maternity clothes even though they cost a lot. Mum says that she doesn't mind paying towards my clothes and baby stuff. I really want a job but it's a bit hard at the moment considering I left school at 15 right before I did my GCSEs. What? At that age I thought I would find a manager and he would sign me up and I thought by now I'd have at least 5 albums out but no I have a baby on the way instead. 

I made a CV when I was 17 and all it says is "I enjoy singing and dancing". That definitely isn't going to help me get a job is it? Unless it includes singing and dancing.

How am I going to afford to look after a baby? Yes, Mum is going to help pay for the baby's things but I want to be able to pay for my own baby's things. When Zoe found out that I left school at 15 she was mad at me. "You need to grow up Cher! Stay in school then you'll be able to get a good job!" She told me.

"No, I'm going to become a singer. I'll find a manager, he'll sign me up and I'll become famous." I replied.

Oh God how I wish I had listened to her now. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2013 ⏰

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