Chapter 7

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Chapter 6

Chers POV

I never thought I would say this but Zoe is a pretty cool sister. She knows how to have fun. One day we decided to go out to her favourite night club.

"Hey, Stu." Zoe said as she walked into the bar.

The barman smiled at us and said "Alright, Zoe? Who's this your sister?"

"Yes, it is. This is Cher."

I smiled back politely.

"Chers a cute name. Did you know that Cher means 'dear' or 'expensive' in French?"

I nodded. "My French teacher told me back in high school."

Stu chuckled. "So, what will it be girls?"

"Um, I'll just have some water, thanks." I told Stu.

"Sure you don't want any wine or anything?" Zoe looked at me. "You normally love your alcohol."

"I know, I'm just not in the mood, I guess." I shrugged.

"OK, I'll have one glass of wine then, thanks Stu." Zoe nodded at Stu.

Yes, I normally wouldn't turn down alcohol but my gut instinct is telling me not to drink any type of alcohol. I don't know why.

An hour later, Zoe was really drunk. Suddenly, Nicki Minaj Starships came on.

"Come on, Cher! Lets dance!" Zoe grabbed me and soon we were dancing and singing. Just as the song finished Zoe bumped into someone and collapsed. That someone happened to be Tyler and his new girlfriend.

"Whoops! Clumsy me!" Zoe giggled as I helped her up. "Tyler? Oh my God can I just say one thing. You are SUCH a stupid bastard for dumping my sister and cheating on me." She turned to his girlfriend. "I feel sorry for you, he will never love you. He just wants you for sex." I dragged Zoe away before she could say anymore. I felt sick. Really sick.

"Oi, Stu, look after her while I quickly go to the ladies?" I called out as I ran into the bathroom. I made it in just the right time. I couldn't understand why I felt so sick, I hadn't drank any alcohol. Maybe it was the sight of seeing my ex with his new girlfriend that made me feel sick. I wash my face and hands and leave the bathroom.

"Come on, Zoe. We have to get a taxi home now."

Zoe giggled. "With what money?"

"What do you mean?"

"I spent it all on wine and shots, remember?" Zoe began to laugh her head off.

I sighed. "Great. How are we supposed to get home now?"

Stu thrusted a fiver in my face. "Take this, go on. Pay me back when you next see me."

"Oh, thanks Stu! We, well I really appreciate it!" I blew a kiss to him as I dragged Zoe out of the club and threw her into a taxi.

"We've had an amazing night haven't we babes?" Zoe laughed into my shoulder.

I sighed as I shook my head at her. She sure wouldn't be laughing in the morning.

Sisters... Or Enemies?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt