Chapter 11

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Cher's POV

As I stretched and yawned, I woke up with a smile on my face. Mum was coming home today.

I got out of bed and saw myself in the mirror. My hair was greasy and I had a few spots. I looked at the clock, it was 7:05am, I had time for a shower.

I felt so much better after my shower because my hair felt long and soft again. I really wanted to wear my jeans but because of my small bump I couldn't zip them up so I wore a jumper and leggings. I looked in Zoe's room to see if she was awake but she wasn't there. Then I heard her downstairs, cooking.

"Morning." I smiled.

"Morning. Do you want some breakfast?" Zoe was making fried eggs and bacon.

"Mmm, no thanks, I'm going to have cereal." My craving for eggs had turned into cravings for Coco Pops.

As Zoe sat with me at the table, we talked about the scan.

"The letter said 3pm, so Mum should be home in time." I said.

"I still can't believe you have a tiny baby in your stomach..." Zoe shook her head, slowly.

I giggled. "Me neither, then I look at my bump and I believe it."

At about half 8 we got a taxi to the airport. "I wonder what Mum will think of my bump." I wondered out loud.

"Don't worry, she'll come to terms with it." Zoe told me.

We had to wait quite a while for Mum to finally turn up. She looked so tanned and gorgeous.

"My girls!" She grinned.

"Mum!" Me and Zoe ran into her arms. That was when I realised how much I missed her.

We pulled away.

"So." Mum took a deep breath and turned to me. "You're pregnant?"

I nodded. "It just happened, I'm sorry, I didn't find out until a couple of weeks ago."

"Well, as long as you're alright." Mum stroked my hair. "Have you been OK, Zoe?"

"Yes. Better, actually. Me and Cher have become closer now." Zoe put her arm round me.

"Aw. That's good. Didn't I say the holiday would not only do me good but you both as well?" She smiled. "Come on. Lets go home. It's still in one piece, right?"

"Yes of course."

3pm came a lot quicker. One minute Mum was telling us about her holiday ("Cher, you would've loved the waterpark and Zoe, I swam with dolphins, you should try it, it's really fun.") and next minute we were sat in the waiting room at the doctors. I felt nervous at first, I was going to see my son or daughter in a couple of minutes...

"Cher Lopez?"

Me, Zoe and Mum all got up and walked into a room.

"Hello. I'm Dr Perry, if you would lie here please." Dr Perry said, patting the bed, next to the scan. "How far along are you?"

"I'm 3 and a half months." I told her.

"In weeks, do you know?"

"Well it must be about 12 and a half..."

"OK." Dr Perry wrote something in her notebook. "You ready?"

I lifted my jumper up and there was my bump. I stared at it until I heard Zoe and Mum gasp. "What?" I looked at them.

"Cher, it's your baby." Mum pointed.

As I looked, I gasped too. I could see the head and it had the tinest hands and feet ever. "I didn't know it was that developed..."

"Yes they can develop quite quickly." Dr Perry told me as she wrote some more things in the notebook. "So your due date is November 20th. And here is your next scan appointment." She handed me a letter which read: "Cher Lopez, your next ultrasound appointment is at July 15th, 3:30pm."

"We'll ring you 24 hours before the appointment in case you forget." Dr Perry told me, handing me a picture of my baby on the scan.

I stared at the picture all the way home. As I walked up to my door I didn't know he was there until Zoe called out "Tyler! What are you doing here?" I looked up straightaway.


"Cher. I was hoping to see you!" He ran up to me and saw the scan. "Is that the baby?"

"Yes. I just got back from the ultrasound." I told him.

"I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. It's a lot to take in, y'know?"

"Yeah, it was a lot for me to take in too."

"I've thought about it and I really would like to help you with the baby. You know be a dad to it?"

"Um, thanks, Tyler. That would be great." I smiled. "I'll call you later, OK?"

As I sat down on the sofa, I thought about what Tyler said. Will he be there for the baby or will he chicken out once the baby is born? I didn't know whether or not to trust him.

Sisters... Or Enemies?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora