Chapter 10

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Zoe's POV

I was woken up by my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I yawned.

"Sorry Zoe did I wake you up?" Mum asked.

"Oh, hi, Mum. No of course you didn't." I replied, yawning again.

"Don't lie to me Zoe. Now everything's OK back at home? It's not burnt to a crisp is it?"

"Course not."

"Good. Just to let you and Cher know that I'm coming home tomorrow."

"OK, great. We've missed you here! See you tomorrow."

Cher walked into my room, stretching. Her bump was getting bigger by the minute. "Was that Mum?"

"Yeah, she's coming home tomorrow."

Cher sat down on my bed. "How am I going to tell her that I'm pregnant?"

"I doubt you'll need to tell her, I bet she'll guess straightaway."

"Hey! I'm not that big!" Cher looked down at her bump and rubbed it. "Am I?"

"No I was just joking. You're only 3 months, aren't you? I think when you're 4 or 5 months, that's when it gets noticeable."

Cher nodded. "I've been reading that What To Expect book, it's really helpful."

"Good." I smiled. "Do you want some breakfast?"

"I've got a really big craving for eggs for some reason..." Cher said.

"But you hate eggs."

"I know but ever since I've been pregnant, I've really wanted scrambled or an omelette."

"Well if that's what mini Cher wants then it can have eggs for breakfast."

Cher's POV

Tyler texted me again telling me that he was 'sorry' and could he come round again to talk? I texted back "No. Sorry. Going out." Yes I know it must be hard for him but hello, I'm the one who has the baby in my stomach and the one who has to go through the pain of giving birth!

As I flicked across the TV channels, I came across a music video. It was a singer called Lottie who was the same age as me. She had just released a new song called Angels and it was doing really well. I sighed as I thought about my dream career. I would never be able to become a pop star now. This baby had ruined my chances. No, Tyler had ruined my chances. It was his fault I was pregnant.

I decided to watch 16 & Pregnant on MTV. Even though these girls were two years younger than me, I could still relate to some of them especially with the girl who had gotten pregnant after having sex at a party. Another girl talked about how her boyfriend had got her pregnant on purpose by splitting the condom and another girl said that the father of her baby was actually a 14 year old who had told her he was 16. One girl got kicked out of college the minute they found out she was pregnant.

I thought about Juno. She had given her baby to a married couple. Should I do the same?

"Zoe... At Sarah's, we watched Juno." I told her.

"Is that the film about the pregnant 16 year old?" Zoe asked me.

I nodded. "And she gave her baby to a married couple. And I was thinking... Well should I do that? I am a bit young to be a Mother after all."

"It's your choice but I would probably wait until you're six months and see how you feel then." Zoe said.

"OK. I don't want some couple or whatever getting high expectations and then I end up wanting to keep the baby."

"Like in Coronation Street?"

I thought about the soap set in Manchester. In a recent episode, Tina had become a surrogate mother for a couple who couldn't conceive because the woman was paralysed and had to move around in a wheelchair. After Tina had given birth however, she decided she wanted to keep her baby and obviously that didn't go down too well with the couple.

"Yeah, just like Coronation St."

Suddenly the phone rang. Since I was nearest I picked the phone up.


"Is that Miss Cher Lopez speaking?"

"Yes, it is."

"This is Dr Perry. You have a ultrasound appointment for Friday, 3:00 pm. Can you make it?" My GP asked.

"Yes, I'll be there. Thank you." I put the phone down and turned to Zoe. "I have an ultrasound appointment tomorrow at 3."

"But Mums coming home tomorrow..."

"Oh, crap I forgot! Did she say what time she's coming home?"

"No. Should we ring her?"

"It's 4 here which means its 6 in Turkey." I picked up the phone and dialled her number. After 4 rings I was about to give up until I heard her say "Hello?"

"Hi mum. How's Turkey?" I asked.

"It's beautiful." Mum said.

"Good. We were just wondering what time you were coming home tomorrow?"

"About 9 in the morning. Why?"

"It's just that I have a, um... doctors appointment at three in the afternoon."

"Why? What's wrong? You're not ill are you?"

"No, but.."

"Tell me Cher!"

"It's actually an ultrasound appointment."

Suddenly there was silence.

"Mum? You still there?"

"You're pregnant?"


More silence. "Mum, I really am sorry."

"Why didn't you tell me when you found out?"

"I didn't know how, I knew you'd be mad at me."

"I'm not mad, I'm just worried. Are you OK?"

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine. So will you come to the ultrasound?"

"Of course. Well, I'll see you and Zoe tomorrow. I love you both."

"Love you too, Mum."

"So is Mum coming to the ultrasound?"

"Yes. She's getting the plane home at 9 in the morning."

I thought about the ultrasound. Tomorrow I was going to see my son or daughter for the first time. And that's when it began to sink in that in about 6 months I will be a mother.

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