Chapter 8

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Zoe's POV.

As I opened my eyes slowly, I felt a huge stab of pain in my head. It was really sore. Had I fallen over last night?

I tried to recall what else had happened... Then I remember Tyler's face, Tyler was there, but why?

"Morning." Cher came into my room with a cup of tea. "How's the head?"

"Painful. Tell me what happened last night?" I put my head in my hands dreading the worse.

"Well you spent all of our money on wine and shots-"

I groaned. "Really?"

Cher nodded. "Then we danced to Starships for a bit and then you bumped into Tyler-"

"I knew he was there! Why was he there?"

Cher looked away. "He was with his new girlfriend."


"Then you started cursing him and said to his girlfriend that he's only using her for sex." Cher giggled. "It was a pretty funny night."

I smiled. "So, how'd we get home then with no money?"

"Stu lent us a fiver for a taxi so we owe him, well, technically you owe him since you spent all of our money on wine and shots."

"What? I was drunk so I didn't realise what I was doing so why should I give Stu the money?" I frowned.

"Because it was you who spent all the money, not me!" Cher shouted.

"No need to shout, I'm right here!" I shouted back.

Cher took a deep breath. "Let's not start another argument. How about we pay half and half? That seem fair?"

I sighed and nodded. "Yeah, that's fair."

Cher took a gulp of tea and after about a minute, she was in the bathroom yet again throwing up.

"Cher, are you OK?" I ran in after her. "You've been sick quite a lot these past days, let me take you to the doctors."

Cher threw up again. "Yeah, they might know what's wrong with me."

At the doctors, I asked Cher if she wanted me to come in with her.

"No, I'll be OK on my own." Cher smiled to reassure me.

I sat down on a black chair and picked up a Teen Vogue magazine while I waited.

Cher's POV

I still can't believe what the doctor told me. I didn't think for even one minute I could be... pregnant.

As I sat down on the chair in front of the doctor's desk, she asked me "So what seems to be the problem?"

"I've been throwing up a lot for the past couple of weeks. More than usual, I mean, I'm hardly ever ill or sick." I told her.

The doctor nodded. "OK, and do you mind me asking are you sexually active?"

I looked at her confused. I knew what she was getting at. "Well I did have sex, um, about 2 months ago."

"Right. Do you mind lifting your top up so I can feel your tummy, is that alright?" The doctor leaned forward as I lifted my top up. She pressed a bit hard on my tummy and rubbed it. She moved back. "This may come as a bit of a shock but you're pregnant."

I just stared at her. "OK. Thank you."

"If you want, there is an termination clinic-"

"No. Just wait. I'm going to go home and think it over with my sister before you go telling me about some termination clinic down the road. You never know, I might just want to keep this baby. Don't think that just because I'm only 18 doesn't mean I should have an abortion. Got it?" I glared at her as I left the room.

I didn't even look at Zoe as I left the doctors.

"Hey, Cher! Cher, wait up!" Zoe ran up to me. "Oh, what's up? What did she tell you?"

I wiped my tears away and tried to stop crying. "Can we get a pregnancy test? I need to be sure."

Zoe nodded. "Yeah, sure. I think there's one just five minutes away from here."

Now after getting a pregnancy test, I'm sat staring at the tiny pink cross which indicated the test was positive. I was definitely pregnant.

I suddenly thought about Tyler. Should I tell him? He's the father after all. My phone beeps. It's Sarah.

"Hey haven't seen u in a while. Me + dinah are staying in at my house, we r going to watch a film. See u at about 7ish? X"

Maybe I should see my friends. I haven't seen them in a while and I do miss them. I text back to confirm I'll be there for 7.

As I walked out of the bathroom, Zoe clutched my hands. "So?"

"What? Oh, the test. Yeah. I'm pregnant."

"Are you going to keep it?"

"I think I might. It's a big deal for me I know but I'm ready. The question is, are you ready to be an Auntie?"

Zoe smiled at me. "Of course."

We hugged. Moments like this, I'm glad I have a sister. If I had a brother, he'd be angry at me for getting pregnant and would probably beat Tyler up. But Zoe is, well, caring and supportive. I'm glad I have a sister.

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