Chapter 4

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Zoe's POV

I don't believe this. Cher has disappeared. I've tried ringing her but she won't answer her phone. After tidying up the whole house, I decided to order a pizza as a treat. Since I knew Cher loved pizza I called up to her to ask if she wanted to share. But there was no answer. I decided to look in her bedroom to see if she had her earphones in but she wasn't in her room. I walked over the house, calling her name like she was a lost dog or something. 

It's been two hours and I'm really worried. Something could've happened to her. Should I ring Mum? I look at the clock. It's 8pm here so that means it's 10pm in Turkey. This is an emergency, I think as I dial Mum's number. It rings about 10 times before I give up and put the phone down. She's probably out partying not giving us any thought in the world. 

I lie down on my bed and throw my phone next to me and wait for a phone call, text, anything from Cher...

After another two hours, I give up and cry myself to sleep.

Cher's POV

As I slowly opened my eyes, I tried to ignore my hangover and recall what had happened. I looked round the room. Why was I in Dinah's parent's room? I blinked. I looked down and noticed that I was fully naked. Why was I naked?!

"Morning, gorgeous." I turned to my right and smiled at the sight. I had slept with Tyler again. 

"Of course. Me and you had sex again." I giggled as I kissed him. "Was I good?"

"Better than the other night." Tyler kissed me again and stroked my back. 

I looked round the room. "D'ya know where my clothes are?" 

Tyler nodded towards the window.

Confused, I grabbed a pillow to cover my modesty and peered out of the window. Oh, my God! All of my clothes including Tyler's were on the garden outside Dinah's house!

"Crap! What happened last night?!" I gasped and turned to Tyler.

"Well from what I can remember you were extremely drunk and decided to rip all of our clothes off and throw them out of the window." Tyler laughed.

"This isn't funny! How am I meant to get them back?" 

"Go outside and get them, duh."

"In the nude?!" 

"Well you do have the pillow to cover yourself up." Tyler laid back and closed his eyes. "While you're outside could you grab my clothes as well?"

I groaned and snuck downstairs. I prayed to God that Dinah's parents wouldn't be home from their weekend away. Luckily they weren't, but Sarah and Dinah were sat in the living room watching their Pretty Little Liars boxset. I had to walk through the living room to get to the garden. 

"Um, guys? Don't laugh or anything but-" 

As Sarah and Dinah turned to look at me they, of course, burst out laughing.

"I said don't laugh!" But even so I couldn't help giggling. I was stood at the door, with a pillow to cover myself up. I must looked ridiculous.

"So you and Tyler had a good night then?" Sarah giggled.

"Just help me out, our clothes are in the garden and I can't go out in the nude!"

"Sure." Dinah and Sarah paused their PLL DVD and went outside to get the clothes. 

"Thank you. And I'm really sorry, Dinah, please don't tell your parents I had sex in their bed." 

"I'm not even going to tell them I had a party. It'll be our secret." Dinah promised me.

I nodded gratefully and ran back upstairs and chucked the pile of clothes onto the bed. "Get dressed."

"Who says we have to get dressed? It's 6 in the morning." Tyler stretched his arms out. "Please can we have one last cuddle?" He pouted.

I'm sure one little cuddle won't hurt. I thought as I fell into his arms. 

3 hours later after me and Tyler finally got bored of having sex, I decided to check my phone to see if I had any missed phone calls. I gulped as "Zoe - 10 missed calls' and 'Mum - 3 missed calls' flashed up on the screen.

"I have to go guys, I'll see you later." I called out to Sarah and Dinah as I walked out the door. "Thanks for a great party!"

When I reached my door, I took a deep breath as I grabbed the doorknob and walked inside...


picture: Tyler, Dinah and Sarah.

Sisters... Or Enemies?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora