Chapter 10

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Sorry for the long update. Im not feeling this story but Someone told me they really liked it so I guess I will keep going. This chapter is dedicated to the very beautiful Echo. She just started a new book and its very nice. I suggest you all, however many that is, go read upon that fine piece of literature. That is all.


I heard a loud motor in the distance and seconds later the big Chevy pulled in. Moms home....yay.... I got up and calmly walked into the bathroom, shut the door behind me, and locked it. 

I pulled out the scale and stepped on it. 101 pounds.... I had gained a pound. I looked in the mirror and took off my hoodie, letting it fall to the floor. My shirt soon followed its path. I stared at who I had become, not recognizing myself. I looked at my ribs and all I could think of his how fat the looked. I felt like a pig. I was huge and worthless. These thoughts kept pounding through my head as I turned on the shower.

I got down on the cold floor in front of the toilet and leaned over it. I took a deep, shaky, breath as I began to cry.  I stuck my finger in my mouth and pushed it as far  back  as it would go. Two convulsing heaves and my stomach was empty again. I flushed it down and got up, tears still streaming down my face.

I finish stripping and enter the shower. I let the frigid cold water cloak my skin, making me feel chilled to the bone. I always start with cold water, it makes me numb and reminding me I can still feel. I stand in the freezing shower for exactly five minutes before I switch it to scolding hot water. I let it scorch and burn my skin. A small whimper escapes my lips but I stay still and let it cover me entirely. 

 After about 7 minutes of letting the water heat me up, I reach up and peel back the vinyl wall of the shower, exposing my razor blade. I always keep one hidden so my mother cant take it away. I reach for it and feel the familiar cool metal on my burning fingers. I pull it out and bring it infront of my face. I see my foggy reflection in the shiny surface. I tear it away, not wanting to see anything about me.

I place it on my wrist and apply pressure, adding it to the lines of cuts. I press harder and feel a sense of satifaction and agony wash over me. I know I need to stop now. I want to stop pressing but something inside of me wont relent. Scarlet lines bleed openly and drip onto the spotless white tub. It turns the small puddle of water a light pink color and then that part of me swirls down the drain. 

I release the pressure slightly and breathe a sigh of relief. I pull it across again, whimpering as this one goes deeper. The pink water, splashes against my feet and I can use the pain to drown out the world around me. 

I pull the razor away from my soft skin and put it back in its hiding place. I finish my shower and rinse out the bottom of the tub, making sure there are no traces of what I just did. I turned off the shower and stood there for a couple minutes, as I always do, letting myself dry slightly. I take several deep breaths before grabbing the towel. Time to finish my day.


Thanks again for reading. Make suer to check out the lovely ladies book :P

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