Unbreakable.. Chapter 1

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I actually started writing this book for a short story contest. I didn't get it finished in time and never turned it in. My best friend read it and decided to add on to it. We took turns adding on back and forth and this is what we came up with :)



Drip. Drip. Drip. The constant unwavering sound of the leaking roof, dripping onto the aged hardwood. Drip. Drip. Drip. I wish that the constant down pour would just stop. I can't sleep with the constant against the dusty window. This house is so fucking old. I hate this house. This house, will never be a home. My closet, as i like to call it while others consider it a room, is shared between me and my older brother. There is a large age between us but in this house there are only two rooms.

A 15 year old girl shouldn't have to give up her privacy. In our old house, Cam and I had our own rooms, our own space. Now we're packed together tightly like sardines in a can. Boxes clutter what little space we have. From the bunk above my head I hear Cam shifting over head. Neither of us can sleep apparently. Is it from the constant Washington down pour or from the anticipation for what the next day holds.

"Miranda? You awake?" says Cam.


I wish more than anything I wasn't. I wish i was lying asleep peacefully. I wonder if hes still mad about the reason we moved. He was more upset with me than anything else. Its my fault were in this crowded house sharing a room. I caused this, I have no one to blame but myself. Cam should be out along the beach, basking in the sun and glory of his Senior year. He should be spending day after day on the bright, golden beaches of South Carolina. Swimming, laughing, flirting, loving. I took that from him. Not that i even understand what i took from him. All of those things are foreign to me. Cam coughs before saying,

"Will you get another bowl for under that leak?"

I sigh and start to get up, untangling my legs form the sheets, 

"Yeah, I guess." 

I turn my body and my feet touch the cold floor. I shiver slightly and push my self off the bed. No heat in this old house. I grab the bowl from by the door and set it directly under the annoying stream of water. I sway as words cross my mind. So tired. Tired. Tired I stumble through the dark over to my bed and crawl onto my bunk. I let the warmth of the thin sheets surround me.

Cams breathing has become shallow and steady, signaling that he has finally fallen asleep. I lie there looking at the mattress above me and find myself no closer to sleep. I see small swirl patterns in several different colors. I start counting all the blue swirls. 1...2...3.... My mind becomes excited with an activity and I begin counting vigorously. 27....28...29...Finally my mind stops as i slip into the closet form of bliss I have.


I'm standing alone outside my locker. I can't remember how I got here, but I'm just standing here staring into space. A loud bell rings followed by thunderous sounds. Chaos starts to erupt into the narrow hall way as students travel from point A to B. Some boy bumps into me, then two more run into me. In mere seconds everyone is running into me and before I know it, I lose my balance and I'm on the ground. I look up, feeling my cheeks heated and probably a bright red. I see girls wearing tight skirts and mid-drift tops. Its a uniform I realize regretfully. The pretty girls surrounding me are all laughing. Laughing. Laughing. I shake my head back and forth as tears start to fill my eyes. The cute boys in jerseys smiling. I look up and I see my locker. The tears start to spill over as I see the nasty words scrawled across it. Fat. Ugly. Whore. Disgusting. Pig. I cry harder as a sob rips through my throat. I immediately regret letting it escape, because the sound of my sobs make everyone laugh harder. I shake my head and pull my knees to my chest defensively. No. Not this again. This, This, this torment. I can't handle this torment. This bullying. I want to scream but I can't. Its stuck inside of my throat. I can feel it trying to break through ut all that comes out is a pained whimper. My pathetic sound makes everyone laugh even harder. I shake my head again. No this can't be happening. No. Help. Help. Somebody help me... Im suffocating. My scream lodged in my throat slowly blocking my air. Run. Run. Run. Somebody please help me.......


I startle awake jolting up right. I smack my head on the top bunk and grimace in pain. My skin is covered  in a film of sweat which is chilling me to the bone. My sheets are bunched up and thrown on the floor. I lower my head and turn it into my pillow as a sob escapes my throat. I softly cry into my pillow. Someone help me...


So yeah this is what i came up with so far. I will type up more and add it as soon as I'm done. Im kind of new to this so let me know if you like it i guess :P

Vote or something i dont know .-.

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