Chapter 2

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Hope you guys like it. I have about 7 chapters written so I'm trying to type it up. Im really new to this so please vote and stuff!


Washington is still experiencing the constant down pour. The cold, rhythmic rain, smacking against the window. Everywhere must be flooded. This weather is non-stop drenching of anything trying to stay dry. My mom pulls up to the school in her red Chevy truck. I sigh loudly looking out the window knowing what comes next. Not only do i have to go in to the pouring rain, but then, I must enter into the devils den.

I pull my red hoodie closer to and look at my mom with pleading eyes.

"Can't I just not go? I could stay with you today and start to clean the house?

She rolls her eyes and replies

"No Miranda, just enjoy it like Cam does. He never complains about school.Why can't you be more like him? You know that he...."

She continues to rant about how much better my brother does with socializing and being a teenager. I nod along only listening because its delaying the inevitable. Not only was I bullied at my ol school but at home to by my mother. Its not in the same way but has the same effect never the less. She will never stpo comparing me to something I'm not. Or never will be for that matter. I feel so alone. I find no comfort here nor anywhere else. Nobody knows that I'm falling apart inside. People suspect that theres saddnes inside of me but no one knows the extent. They look at me and see a sad little girl. But inside im a torutred broken soul just begging for someone to care and tell me that im going to be okay. Even though I know its not true. But it would still be nice to hear.

I stare at the school as my mom continues to rant in the back round. My new fate lies within that building. Good or bad? I don't know. Hearing the noise from my mother stop its replaced with a lingering silence, only filled by the pitter patter of rain hitting the window. I sigh and open the door. It lets out a loud creak and i take a deep breath. 

"Mom please. don't make me do this. Don't make me go."

Tears start to fill my eyes and threaten to spill over. My mother never found out the extent of bullying i went through. I spared her most of the details but sometimes i just want her to know. So she will see why I hate this. I look back at her and shes looking at me. Not with a soft look of understanding but a look of you need to go, now.

Not wanting to get drenched by the downfall of rain, I run to the front doors of the school. There's no one but two doors leading to the main lobby. I swing the first door open and stop. I glance down at my scarred arms and pull my sleeves down quickly to cover up what I've become.

I wasn't always like this. I use to have friends. I use to laugh and be care-free. I used to enjoy life, spending many a day and night just laying on the beach watching the sky. The beauty of life fascinating me making me more excited to live each day, eager to see what beauty the day held. But all that changed in the blink of an eye when my so called "friends" decided i wasn't good enough for them to hang out with. One moment I'm happy as anybody else, loving life and what it brings, the next my world is crumbling around me. I can vividly remember, my dad telling my mom shes worthless. I can still remember running down the hallway to the living room when I heard a loud crash. I remember looking down and finding mom on the floor crying and bleeding. She would always shoo me back to my room when she heard my supposed "father"s voice booming down the hall. I remember holding her head as she shook with sobs, dark bruises covering her arms and face. When she heard his voice she instantly pulled herself together. She looked at me with cold glassy eyes and told me to go.  I would always argue until she started crying again and then i would leave before he came back.

I realized i had stopped in the middle of the hall whilst remembering the nightmares of my past. I look at my new surroundings. White, White and uhm more white. Its live a sanitarium with lockers. Completely white floors, white walls, hell even white lockers. I've never seen white lockers but here they are. The lights are so bright, far brighter than any cite lights. They're so, blindingly bright. I would never have thought to see a city school so spotless.

I go to move my hoodie sleeves down when I see its gone. My hoodie has been replaced by a white T-shirt. My favorite black skinny jeans are now replaced by shorts, scarlet red shorts. My bare legs are so pale and i feel utterly exposed. I'm so confused and scared. Whats going on? I look at my wrists and fresh cuts lie over the old. They're so many, bleeding freely, streaming down my hands.. I look down scared because I'm losing alot of blood. I see my legs and the pale white skin is replaced by a thick red liquid running down my legs. Blood is pouring out of cuts on my thighs and pooling on the floor by my bare feet. I cant even feel my feet but my warm blood slowly starts to drip on them. The lights are getting brighter, if such a thing was possible. Whats happening to me?

I run to a glass window and see my face reflected back at me. Tears of blood mark my face. Leaving a faint red path before dripping onto my white shirt. I can't breath.I can't move. I can;t scream. Please some one.... I feel my self becoming faint. Too much blood.

"Please some one help me. 

I'm dieing and I try to scream again. No one, no one responds, no ones there, if they were who says they would help. I feel my vision going dark. No one knows. No one cares. I'm so alone.


Tell me what you guys think :P This chapter was really long so the enct one will ne reasomably short. Liker really short

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