Chapter 21: The Party

Start from the beginning

I smile against Austin's chest.

"Baby fall into my kiss. It should just happen like this. Trust it so much that there's no one else but us and this moment that says it's so right. Cause that's all we have in this life. Drink up this love, baby, give it all we got tonight."

This is the same song from Nashville. This song played when I truly started falling hard for Austin.

"Why are you smiling?" Austin whispers in my ear.

"This song." I respond pulling my head back. I smile up at him, and stroke his cheek. "This song played in Nashville when we were dancing." Austin takes my hand from his cheek and softly kisses it. "That was the moment I realized how hard I was falling for you. I knew it wouldn't be long before I was completely in love with you."

"Not to brag, but I was falling for you way before then." Austin says. "I fell for you the first time I saw you dancing back in Austin."

"You're lying." I blush.

Austin leans down and kisses my cheek. 'No I am not. I'm completely serious. I watched you, and I wanted to know you." He groans and laughs. "Wow that makes me sound like a creep."

I laugh at him and press myself closer. "Keep going."

"Anyway, that's why Dave brought you to the concert and dressing room. I just had to get to know that beautiful girl on stage. When you tried out for the spot on the dance crew, I was so happy. I literally crossed my fingers hoping everyone would pick you." He smiles down at me again. "And they did." As he strokes my cheek, pushing hair back he says, "I'm just lucky that fate worked out and brought us together."

I feel my eyes start to water. I quickly wipe them, trying not to ruin what's left of my makeup. "Do you just like making me cry?" I ask laughing. "Since last night you've been doing a pretty great job."

Austin chuckles. "I don't like making you cry, but I do like making you feel better after you're done."

I smile up at him. "Well, I'm still waiting for you to make it up to me, for a few minutes ago."

"I'm thinking about making you wait just a little longer." He leans towards my ear and whispers, "Or I'll just make you beg for it.'

His breath on my neck sends chills down my spine. I wrap one hand around his neck and pull his head closer. "Mahone you better kiss me." I whisper.

"In front of all these people?" He whispers back. "What will they think about that?"

'I don't care." I whisper leaning closer to his lips. "You're my boyfriend, and I want to kiss you."

Austin smiles before softly kissing me.

The rest of the party is amazing. My mom and Nathan thank everyone for coming out to celebrate my birthday and their wedding. Once the last guest leaves, we clean up and head back into the house. Austin stayed the entire night, and we're watching a movie on the couch with my mom and Nathan. Shortly after the movie ends they go up to bed. I'm laying on top of Austin, his arm is wrapped around my torso, and my hand clings to his shirt.

"Hey baby." Austin suddenly says.

I look up at him. "What?"

"I have a question. Feel free to say no. I won't be mad."

I sit up and look up at him. "You're scaring me Austin.'

Austin chuckles. "Don't be scared. I wanted to ask you what you'd think about coming with me to Florida for a week. I know you have a week off of school next week, so I was just wondering if you'd want to come and meet my best friends and.." Austin rambles, his voice trailing off at the end.

I giggle. "You know how freaking adorable you are when you're nervous right?"

Austin blushes and runs his fingers through his hair.

I grab his arm and shake him. "Why are you so nervous?" I ask laughing.

"I don't know." He says. "But you should answer my question, so I can stop freaking out."

I laugh and kiss his cheek. "I'd love to come. I'll just have to talk to my mom and make sure she's fine with it."

Austin clears his throat. "Well, I already talked to her about it, and she said it was okay as long as you wanted to come." Austin looks down at me, his face beet red.

I laugh and playfully hit his chest, before I lay back down on his chest. "Calm down, Mahone. I want to come, just let me know when we're leaving."

'I was thinking the fifth, after you get out of school. Is that ok?"

"It's perfect." I say. "That's the day after your birthday. You're going to be eighteen. That's pretty exciting. What are you going to do?'

Austin pulls my chin up. "I was thinking about doing a little bit of this." He kisses my forehead. "And maybe a little bit of this." He kisses the tip of my nose. "And then probably a little more of this." He kisses my lips. I roll onto my back, so Austin is on top of me. Unfortunately, I roll too far and fall off the couch. Austin crashes  into me, and we both start laughing.

"So you plan on throwing me off of couches for your birthday?" I say standing up. "Sounds great."

Austin chuckles and stands up next to me. "Well only if you wanted me to, I will." Austin sighs. "I better get back to the hotel."

I walk him to the door and we kiss goodbye.

'Thank you for tonight." I whisper. "I had a great time."

Austin smiles down at me. "Anything for you." He whispers back. He kisses me once more. 'I'll talk to you tomorrow ok?"

I nod and kiss his cheek. "I love you, so much."

"I love you too, babe."

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