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Dear diary,

Minseok's graduation ceremony was gorgeous.

I didn't think I'd get sentimental, but I was seriously teary eyed. It's just so odd to think that my oppa was once such a dorky kid, one who was always there for his troublesome little sister. It felt like yesterday that we would ride our bikes to the neighborhood forested area with Kyungsoo and Jongin. It felt like yesterday that we marathoned every Studio Ghibli and Disney movie we owned. Just yesterday that he was picked on by older bullies because of his Asperger's Syndrome...

But my oppa conquered it all and was graduating with a fair paying job already willing to hire him.

Kyungsoo was able to come over for today, since the school year had finally ended. He both came over for Minseok and to help me move some of my belongings to his house, as that's where I'll be staying for the summer.

So, we were all together once again, me,  Kyungsoo, and Jongin.

Precious, popular Jongin.

I can't believe how well-known he is now on campus. I swear that I could barely meet up with him on some days because he's hanging out with his loving fans. That music video he was a part of skyrocketed in popularity, and Jongin was now a local celebrity. It makes me happy, but that just dampens my chance on hanging out with my superstar best friend. Oh Jongin, always too nice to reject anyone.

Too kind, too innocent.

Actually, Jongdae joined us today.  So, it was the four of us (along with my parents) supporting Minseok. Kyungsoo was the only one who wasn't as close to my boyfriend as everyone else. But, it was nice that he was trying so hard to. Since we decided to go straight to my house for dinner to celebrate, Kyungsoo was able to talk a bit to Jongdae.

Although, I'll admit, Satansoo was being a little... out there. Honestly, he acted more like my older brother than Minseok when he interrogated Jongdae, bombarding him with questions whether he had done anything suspicious or risky with me. God, that kid. And I'm actually the noona between the two of us, why is he acting like he's older than me?

But, for real, everything went on so amazingly. Jongdae's parents swung by later for dinner since they have both been working today. They given Minseok three pairs of sleek, button up shirts for him to wear for his awaiting job, along with some ties to match. That, I wasn't even expecting, but I guess it was nice of them, since they have become second parents to me and Minseok.

So we had our feast all with Minseok's favorite dishes. I even helped with baking some desserts for tonight. It was so nice to have everyone I consider important to all be here.

Tomorrow night, I will be going back with Kyungsoo. In just two days, the internship, the one I'm still shocked that I gotten, will start. I better be there ready and prepared. Jongdae said that he will swing by tomorrow to help with the temporary move, which I love him for.

He said that he will cope and he will get through this summer strong. After signing out of the asshole company, he said that he and his boys had gotten a summer gig at a nice bar that's not too far from campus. The bar was paying them decently too, so at least there's that. I'm just so happy that he'll get through it all just fine.

I'm... definitely going to miss him the most. 

But I'm not too worried, I love that man too much for anything to happen to us.

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