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Dear diary,

Jongdae suddenly invited me to watch the new Star Wars with him and Wendy. 

It was right after our final psych exam when he brought up the idea to both me and Yixing. He wanted to do it on premiere night, just I already did with Jongin. Yixing had to decline the offer, as he was going to fly back to China for the holidays. So, it came to me. All I could reply with was that I'll have to think about it and text him later.

I told Jongin about this, relaying that the four of us could watch the movie together. It would be funner that way anyway, having a bigger group who's just as enthusiastic about the movie. Jongin said he was alright with the idea, just as long he gets no interruptions while he's watching the movie. To hell with squishy! Jonginnie and I got cooler people to hang out with.

So, now, we got a small group to watch the movie!

But then, oppa just had to make it weird. You know what he told me? He told me that it was like a double date! I nearly punched him in the gut while he laughed his ass off. I think he has the mindset that Jongin and I can still be a thing.

Let it go, Minseok! It was a junior high fling! It was BARELY two months!!

Ugh, I swear. I'm surrounded by immature idiots. Just to think that Minseok was graduating after spring semester is still a shock to me. And trust me, people HAVE mistaken me as the older sister before... Maybe it's the curse of his baby face. HAh.

But anyway, Blizzard Show this Friday! I can't wait to root for my friends! Bet, I'm going to be cheering the loudest out there!!

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