Death Leads to Overthrow

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Louis pushed through the last big of dirt and rock that would release him into the open tunnel before him. He didn't know how he knew it was there, only that he did.


All he could think about was food. That roar meant meat, and he was so hungry...


The voice had his head turning to the side until he saw a bright light walking toward him. He hissed, baring his jagged teeth.

The light stopped and he heard a gasp. He smiled. Whatever was there feared him, he could smell it.

"Louis, what happened to you?"


The demands became more urgent in his mind as he caught the smell of living flesh, the sound of a beating heart filled hi ears.

"Food. Eat," he said, mouth watering. His stomach cramped unbearably and he lunged at the bright light.

The light grew brighter and jumped at him.


Louis groaned and looked up at the bright light which was now standing over him. When he jumped at the light and it jumped back at him, it hit him in the chest and sent him flying back into the tunnel he'd dug out of.

Now, standing over him, he saw the light was two different colors, green and blue. The two were twined together into a beautiful strand that made Harry's eyes stand out.

Even his friend's hair and nails hand changed color.

Wait... Harry?

"Harry!" Louis felt the new part of him - the cannibal, he realized - clawing at his insides, determined to get the food standing in front of him into his mouth. He fought the need to kill his best friend and eat him. "You've got to get back! I... I want to..." eat you. But he couldn't make himself say the words.

"You want to eat me. I know. I can feel your hunger, and trust me, it's creeping me out and I'm ready to run. But I can't leave you behind. I won't. Not if there's a chance I can help you, and somehow, I get the feeling there is." Harry bent down and helped Louis to his feet, letting his best friend lean on him. "We have to get out of these tunnels, Louis. Now. There's something down there that I'm pretty sure wants to eat us more than you do me."

Louis frowned, but nodded. "Okay. Let's go."

"Great plan. Bummer I don't know which way to go."

Louis pointed the direction he'd been heading. "That way. It's up, or is close to up, anyway."

"How do you know?" Harry asked as he pulled them back into the tunnel he'd been walking down. "And there's something in these tunnels, Louis. We can't stay here."

A faint, indiscernable sound drew the boys' attention behind them, where they watched the tunnel close, sealing them inside. "That's not normal."

"No, it's not, but I'm learning nothing on this mountain is normal." Harry looked both ways in the tunnel, but he didn't know what to do now. They were effectively trapped. "We'll just have to follow the tunnel until we find a way out."

Louis shook his head, gathered his strength, and stood apart from Harry. "I think I can dig us out. That's how I got here after all. I dug." He showed Harry his claws. Small, sharp, perfect for digging. "I was heading that way because..." He stopped, his stomach growling in hunger.

Food. Eat.

"No," he growled between clenched teeth. "Harry isn't food. Yes, I'm hungry, but there's other food somewhere."

Death Mountain | A 1D Fanfic [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now