Separation Breeds Desperation

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She glanced both ways before turning back to check on him one more time. He'd been asleep for a couple hours, but that was okay. It would take a little time for him to heal. Until he woke up, she would protect him.

That had been her intent to start, anyway. Now, she was hungry, and she had run out of food this morning. Rose, her sister, hadn't been by to escort her to get more, and now she was desperate for food. No one on the mountain wanted to go longer than they had to without food. The consequences were not pretty, and more of then than not, fights tended to break out between them when they ran into each other more when they were hungry and, therefore, agitated.

Emily focused on her prize and permitted herself a small smile. He was handsome, and she was going to ask Rose if she could keep him. For some reason, she liked him, a lot. No real reason why, she just did.

Her smile dropped as she faced the entrance to the cave once more. It wasn't a deep cave, but it was mostly closed at the opening since it had caved in once before. Rose had found it by mistake, and they'd turned it into Emily's home shortly thereafter.

Emily swallowed as she thought of her sister. Rose hadn't been by for days. She was due for a visit any time now, but her sister was late in her visit. Which meant either Evan was holding her up, she was chasing the twins for whatever reason, or she was eating.

Emily didn't want to even consider the last option. That scared her bad.

As she looked back at her new captive, though, her fear and restlessness lessened. It was like the boy had a calming enchantment about him, a spell or something, and every time she looked at him, she calmed down. When she looked at him, she felt like she could take on the world. She felt invincible.

Like she could fight her own battles and not have to rely on her sister to protect her, or run away from the mountain's other inhabitants.

Shaking her head, Emily looked to the trees and let her senses and powers explore the woods. She could sense no others nearby, nor could she sense any malevolence. Probably safe, if there wasn't anyone else out there.

She didn't look back again; she couldn't. If she did, she wouldn't leave and go for food. She'd just keep staring at him, wondering what color his eyes were, what his voice sounded like, what he was like.

As she prepared to run into the trees, a thought occured to her.

What if he woke while she was gone and left?

The thought chilled her. If he left her cave home, he'd be killed. That was something she couldn't allow.

But she couldn't stay waiting for her sister, either. Rose was late, and Emily needed food, not just for herself, but for her healing captive.

You do have magic, silly, she scolded herself a moment later. Chuckling at herself, Emily dashed to the line of trees and stood just inside, watching back at the cave.

She didn't look at him, just the cave. As she did, she summoned her powers to a tangible force.

In the center of her forehead a single line of pure black electricity unfurled. It extended out about six inches, crackling and shooting off sparks. Reaching its full length, Emily felt her eyes change as well, crackling with the same black lightning, though her eyes remained blue. Her fingernails also sparked with the black electrical impulses, in time to her horn.

No escaping, handsome. I can't let you get hurt. Aiming her horn at the cave's entrance, she felt her eyes dilate as a line of electricity enhanced with magic shot to the entrance.

A second later, the line disappeared, and an invisible wall shut off the cave from the rest of the mountain.

Except the twins, but they weren't a problem when it came to her home. They knew it was there, but the cave was one of Evan's abandon caves. In other words, he no longer used it, but the twins had long ago accepted it was his, so they left it alone.

Death Mountain | A 1D Fanfic [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now