"What can i say man, I got hoes in different area codes" i said continuing to play along, we were close to the school building and the sexist driver looked beyond triggered and disgusted so i thought it was enough, hanging up on my friend in the process.

I told the driver to halt the car near the school gates─he did of course park in front of a puddle to show how much he disliked me but i couldn't care less if i had to be honest. I jumped over the tiny puddle and moved to the left to give him his money.

I walked inside the school building trying to savor the last few minutes i had of serenity before coming face to face with hell aka my class.

"You're late miss Park but i'll let you off since i have a very exciting announcement to make" mrs Kim said as soon as i opened the door. She had a huge smile plastered on her face so i couldn't help but give her a small smile back as i came in.

As i was walking to my desk at the back, i heard mrs Kim talk about the 'exciting announcement' she had and my mood instantly dropped. I knew where this was going.

"So class, the government picked a few public schools to go on educational trips aboard and these trips are specifically for the senior grades" She said a huge grin drawn on her face.

"Now comes the exciting part! these trips will be funded by the government so you and your home room teachers don't have to pay for the trip and our school gets japan! Isn't that great?" She explained almost squealing the last part.

Everyone had joy filling their eyes and kept talking about how cool this was and how great the trip was going to be. I didn't feel the least bit happy about this so called 'trip' if i had to be honest.

Mrs Kim started handing out the permission slips with the details on them. She eventually gave me one and the first thing i noticed was that the trip was 2 months away so it was going to be during spring break basically.

I decided to brush it off for now though since the due date was in five weeks and I was still persistent on savouring the mood I was in─I didn't take a cab and come late for nothing and I didn't even get detention for being late so it must have been a sign that today wasn't going to be all that bad.

The rest of the day passed peacefully until it was lunch break of course─I was determined on keeping my day the way it was so far and this lead to me instantly marching to the library after the bell rang.

I went inside and took a seat in front of the librarian just in case someone decided to come for me─i sighed and got out some of my books so i can do any portion possible of my homework since i wasn't all that hungry and wanted to pass some time.

I was midway through my chemistry homework when i felt an arm rest around my shoulders. I instantly froze, my face going pale for a few moments thinking that it was one of the people who liked to make my life worse than it already was─that was until i heard the following sentence;

"Guess I'm gonna have to give you my title as 'international playboy' now" Jungkook said laughing a little too loud for the librarians liking.

I instantly relaxed since Jungkook was basically my only friend, i couldn't help but smile just because of how much i like his laugh but i was still a little confused though.

"Why would i take your title as─OH"

"I got hoes in different are codes, Park Yura 2k16" he said letting out yet another laugh which earned him a shush from the librarian.

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