Is this a dream??

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I climb out of bed and walk to the bathroom. 7:20 an hour before my first class just enough time for a quick shower. I pull off my nightgown and start to run warm water. I flip on the shower head an climb into the steamy tub. It's to quiet all alone in my tiny apartment I think to myself which makes my mind wander.

' he stands there watching me from the door way. I know he's there but I don't say anything I just go to my business and rinse the shampoo out of my hair. When I'm finished I turn the shower off and step out onto the cold tile floor "oh hello master" I say grabbing a towel and wrapping it around me. " I see u decided to take a shower with out me" he says in his low sexy voice "I'm sorry sir I didn't want to bother you" I say weakly and keep my eyes on the floor. "Drop the towel" he says breaking the silence. "Yes master" '

I wake up from my daydream "shit" I say to myself I must of wasted 20mins just thinking about something that's never going to happen. I quickly scrub my hair and jump out of the shower and race to my room. I dry my hair then slip into shorts and a teeshirt complete with some old black flip flops. I grab my bag and walk out the door of my apartment. It's about a ten min walk to my school so there's no reason to to take my car.

I get to school and slap the wooden sign with 'Washington collage' wrote on it. First class animal science. I slip into the classroom and chose a seat towards the back. "Hey u should move I want to sit next to my friend" a peppy voice says and and I get up and move with out even looking at her. I sit in my new seat keeping my eyes on my desk avoiding eye contact with any one sitting next to me . " pick that up" a guys voice say and I look at the strange guy pointing to a pen on the floor. I bend down and pick up the pen handing it to him.

When the professor starts the lesson a piece of paper slides onto my desk. I snatch it up and unfold quietly 'you shouldn't submit so easily to those who won't even dominate you ' I look around and notice a guy with blonde hair just barley looking at me. Does it meen anything or is he just being a smart ass. I take out a pen and draw a simple little picture on the pice of paper and slide it back to the guy. The anticipation is killing me as 10 mins go by with out a response. Finally the folded paper lands on my desk again 'yes that is the bdsm symbol and yes if you we're wondering I am a dominate. And I know you are a submissive so don't try to fool me' holy fuck am I daydreaming this I think to myself then pinch myself nope not daydreaming. How could he tell I'm submissive I haven't had ANY bdsm experience or told anybody about my fantasys. I do know I want to talk to him more. I write down my address on the piece of paper and hand it back to him. Two mins later its back on my desk ' no meet at my house 832 cotton wood rd. oh by the way I'm Tyler and you Cassie are quite pretty' he writes and I smile before writing back ' ok I will be there at 8 ttyl' I pass it to him and then the bell rings.

Best thing about collage is you only have three classes a day. When the final bell rings. I head back to my home. I skip in to my room and fall on the bed. "What the hell am I doing I barly know the guy all I know he's a dominate and that's what I want but I just ment him what if he makes me do things I don't want to" I quietly talk to myself witch Is what I do when Im nervous. I decide to go for a power nap and I set my alarm for 6:00

When I wake up I head to the bath room to freashen up I wash my face then put on some makeup before heading back to my room. I decide to wear a denim and floral dress with my brown combat boots. I sit around squeezing a stress ball til 7:30. I grab my keys and climb into my silver Chevy Malibu. I type Tyler's address into my iPhone then listen to it as it leads me to his house. I pull in his driveway Wich leads to a medium size house with a bunch of tall trees around it. I stop my car then lay me head on the steering wheel what the hell am I doing here I think to myself. Thirty deep breaths later I step out of my car and make my way to the front door "yolo" I whisper to myself and ring the doorbell

***** cliffhanger hehe ill update maybe tomorrow maybe the day after who knows anyyyyywayyyy til next time bye bye*******

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