23. I Wolfin' Love You

Start from the beginning

Stop running away. Stop trying to fight. I want to help you because I love you. I want you to be happy. I wish I could fill the big gap in your heart, but I isn't my place to do so. You need to be with your family. This is where you belong. Stop hiding, stop running, give up.

I guess he didn't get my plead, or either he simply ignored it. Or perhaps he did understand because all his black eyes read were the worst words I heard in my life, the words that blew my heart to smithereens.


He turned on his heels and dashed in the forest like lightening, the blanket of blackness among the woods swallowing him up.


I shut the car door, and took a deep breathe and let it out, a white cotton ball of breathe shimmering in front of me then disappearing.

I pulled my coat more tightly around myself and pushed a flyaway hair behind my ear and started up the stairs.

I hadn't seen Mason in two days.

Some would probably think that two days wasn't much, but it was killing me. I missed his blue-gray eyes that twinkled whenever he looked at me. I missed his strong arms wrapping protectively around my waist. I miss his soft lingering kisses that always made my body grow weak. I longed for those late night talks that-I now realize- were just gibberish, silly voices among the darkness of my room, but had always made my night and settled me in a peaceful slumber.

As I neared the top of the stairs, I heard quiet sobs from Mrs. Wilber's door, which was open just a crack. My eyebrows crinkled in confusion and I hurried up the remainder of the stairs, and knocked on the door lightly.

The sobs only grew louder and I pushed it wider open, the door creaking eerily on its hinges.

There on the floor by the dark oak coffee table, crumbled Mr. Wilber, his face streaked of tears. His head was thrown back, calls of sorrow filling the frozen air that surrounded us, and I felt the chill down to my very bones.

I dropped my bag by the door and hurried beside him, taking his cold and large hands in mine.

Though his face was streaked of tears, it was not a wonder why Mrs. Wilber had fell in love with the man. Even at his old age, he was still as dashing as he was when young. Midnight blue eyes curtained by black lashes, high cheekbones, and an strong angular face. Truly, it wasn't a surprise.

His dark blue eyes opened and stared into mine and I had to bite my lip from the sob that wanted to escape my throat.

His eyes were filled with so much misery, so much sorrow it was frightening.

"Mr. Wilber, what's wrong? Please tell me so I can help you," I said carefully, trying to keep my own voice at bay.

His lips trembled and tears streamed down, and his eyes closed again.

"My love, oh, my sweet Elizabeth," he cried softly, holding my hands to his cheeks as the tears trickled down both of our entwined hands.

"Mrs. Wilber?" I said softly to myself. Something was wrong.

"What's happened to Mrs. Wilber? Is she okay?"

He shook his head slowly and opened eyes again.

"No," he croaked out. "My sweet Elizabeth. I will never see her beautiful face again. I cannot live without her. She is my everything."

He cried silently, his shoulders shaking. I bit my lip harder, hoping the pain would stop my eyes from watering. It was so heartbreaking sad. Something bad happened to Mrs. Wilber.

I opened my mouth to ask him what exactly had happened to her, but before I could speak, the flashing TV spoke words of dread.

"Local elder, Mrs. Elizabeth Wilber, was found dead earlier this morning. Mrs. Wilber was found murdered, laying in Quingly Forest reclaimed by local hunter, Spencer Hemmingway. Investigators suspect she was attacked by an animal and dragged deep within the forest. Though we are not sure exactly what animal it was, our detectives assume it was possibly a wolf. We ask to please re-frame from hunting and jogging along the pathways running through any woods in fear of another attack happening. Further notice...."

I didn't continue to listen. I couldn't bare to hear anymore.

Mr. Wilber sobbed uncontrollably beside me and I couldn't hold my tears back.

The door still open, the TV still flashing news of Mrs. Wilber's death, I buried my face in my hands and cried.



First off, I'm terribly sorry I haven't uploaded. School started, and homework and projects are taking up all my time and I haven't even been able to sit at a computer and type in one sentence other than if it was school related. I'm in advance placement classes, so if any of you are too, you understand.


Anywho, I hoped you enjoyed the chapter! I wrote this on my birthday this Saturday, so you better had enjoyed it!

Before I go though, any guesses on who murdered Mrs. Wilber?


Lovely Lies

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