Chapter 35: The Only Person To Call.

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Chelsea's eyes fluttered open unannounced, pain filled every part of her body and she could only realise a grunt of hurt. After a moment or two her vision cleared, she bewilderingly looked around her as she didn't understand the cause of the pain. Chelsea's head poured with blood along with her arms as the glass of the window screen had cut all of her arms viscously, she couldn't move her legs as they was stuck between the dashboard and the seat. Her eyes fluttered, the car window was smashed through and she coughed while turning to her mom.

"Mom!" Chelsea gasped out, Demi's head was against the cracked window which Chelsea presumed was because of the impact of Demi hitting her head against it. Demi's eyes didn't open, her arms dropped to the side of her as if lifeless while her white t-shirt was covered with blood. Chelsea sucked in a breath but it only caused her lungs to hurt and make her cough violently, she couldn't move even if she tried.

"Mom, I can't get out! Please, wake up. I don't know what to do." Chelsea's lower lip quivered as she looked to her lifeless mom that she couldn't even try and help nor know how to. Her eyes widen at the sound of her phone ringing and vibrating against her foot, her eyes turned towards it.

Carly was ringing as her face showed on the screen as Chelsea blinked once more when her vision blurred for the second time, the floor was laying against the floor which Chelsea didn't know if she could reach or if she did it would hurt her. Hesitantly, Chelsea leaned down lifting her back to the chair and pushed her arm down towards the phone but it only caused the pain to increase and making her eyes water at how incredibly injured she was. Ignoring it she leaned down once again, trying her best to pick her smashed screen up in her bloody fingers as she noticed nobody was coming to help. After the fifth time of continuous pain in her arm getting worse each time she moves it she was about to give up before looking at her mom once more, she needed help and quickly with the amount of blood pouring from her moms stomach and head.

"One last shot." Chelsea mumbled, her voice hoarse from the pain rippling through her body but she was mostly used to it from growing up of her dad. It just reminded her of Joe and her childhood. Chelsea couldn't even lean down due to her stiff neck holding her in place and her other arm clutching her stomach which she felt a warm liquid pour from her stomach and on her arm. She didn't even notice due to some of her body being numb and all of the rest pain, all her focus was on getting her mom help and finally Chelsea clutched the broken phone in her hand making her smile.

Unknowingly, Chelsea's head fell back with another black out but came back 5 seconds later as she blinked her eyes trying to remove the blurriness. Her shaking hands moved through her contacts, she didn't know who to call and it being America she didn't know what numbers to dial for emergency.
'Wilmer.' The name came up on screen and she didn't know what to do, she hated his guts but needed him for her mom. Chelsea didn't even know if he was still in town but it was worth a shot right, for her mom?

"Hello? Chelsea, look baby girl-" Wilmer's Spanish accent came up and Chelsea's jaw visibly tense, he still had the nerve to call her baby girl after he left her. As much as she wanted to swear at him she couldn't due to their condition, she was hesitant on even putting the phone down but didn't.

"No! Wilmer, m-mom is hurt. We was in a c-car crash and I don't know who to call because I I've never called an ambulance before in America. T-the car f-flipped multiple times and she's bleeding, I don't know if s-she's even still alive because my legs are being crushed by the car. She's b-bleeding a lot!" Chelsea stuttered out, tears fell from her eyes at her moms state as Demi's head rested against the smashed window. Wilmer panicked hearing his daughters feared voice, he jumped up from the kitchen counter were Nathan was eating cereal as they had gotten up late.

"Chelsea, slow down! I need you to tell me were you are, I know you don't know much of America princess but I need you to tell me your surroundings. I'll call an ambulance and I'll be there as quick as I can! Keep hold of your mom for me okay?" Wilmer rushed out, grabbing his son of the chair and rushing out the apartment they'd been living in for now, both still in their pyjamas but not caring as Wilmer's focus was on his wife. He was visibly shaking from fear, he knew he'd messed up getting a divorce but he wasn't thinking at the time. Wilmer cried a lot during nights thinking about it and even Nathan heard him but didn't speak about it.

"Uh... I'm- We was on our way to an amusement park but I don't know what one. Mom said we was moving on with our lives now your gone, I'm- there's no people around at all! There's shops going down the street but nothing is open yet due to it being early, oh wait there's a sign... Knots Berry Farm then an arrow straight up. Is that an amusement park?" Chelsea furrowed her eyebrows, trying to look around her but with her saying that Wilmer knew where she was. Him and Demi had been there multiple occasions and just before Chelsea had came they'd gone their for Demi's birthday, he smiled at the memory.

"Yes! I know where it is. Let me ring an ambulance and I'll ring back okay! I'll be there baby girl, I promise." Wilmer rushed to the car with his son, who hadn't spoken due to Wilmer's alarmed and frightened state as he strapped Nathan in the seat. Chelsea ended the call not wanting to speak to him but she needed the help, while Wilmer fiddled with the keys before taking off. Wilmer hadn't left California but wanted to keep distance from Demi, it was all his fault.

"911, what's your emergency?" The operator spoke in a monotone, probably annoyed of saying that all day.

"My wife and daughter have been in a car crash..." Wilmer told them everything that Chelsea had and gave him and the street address to it which they immediate took off. Nathan heard the words and frowned, he hadn't seen his mom or sister for over a month and they was already hurt again?

"Nathan, mom and Chelsea is hurt so I'm going to need you to stay in the car while o see them! Don't move." Wilmer rushed down the streets of California as his son only nodded in response. His 4 year old mind thought of all the horrible situations they could be in and it terrified them. Wilmer was on look for the car but his eyes widened seeing the smashed up car at the other end of the street, he noticed they must of his the lamppost and flipped over due to its state.

"Momma..." Nathan whispered seeing his mothers car, fear filled his face also as Wilmer didn't waste any time rushed out towards the destroyed car. Chelsea's face came into view and by the state of her he knew it was worse than he could of thought, he ran towards them in only sweatpants and a baggy shirt.

"Wilmer!" Chelsea was surprised at how quickly he'd gotten their but she was starting to fall asleep again, her head lay against the smashed window and the breeze pushed her hair back. Wilmer's eyes filled with tears once he looked in and seen his daughter holding her stomach, blood pouring from it as a huge piece of glass had got in it. Then to his wife, his pale wife that was unmoving and blood pouring from her head and arm, she'd split all of her arm over deep and Wilmer's lips quivered at the sight.

"No. No. No. You can't sleep! Chelsea, stay awake while I help your mom!" Wilmer shouted sternly to his daughter who was already closing her eyes once more due to loss of blood, he ran to his wife's door side as quick as he could and opened it slowly allowing his wife to fall into his arms, allowing blood to fall onto his top already.

"Oh god! S-she's not breathing..."

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora