Chapter 18: Lost.

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Demi stressed while pacing up and down, after Chelsea ran Wilmer had gone out looking for her along with her cousin and dad but Wilmer hadn't rang like he said he would if he found her. Nathan was watching her but jot speaking as he was nervous too, they was all terrified incase she'd gone missing again but this time she ran away not kidnapped. Demi regretted the words she said to her as it must've caused her to go off, Demi jumped hearing her phone and suddenly the hope was on both Demi and Nathan's faces.

"Did you find her?" Demi asked immediately, not wasting any time. Her heart was pounding against her that she swore Nathan could hear, her first night with them was amazing and Demi thought the journey was going to be easy but seeing her dark side made Demi realise it was much harder than she thought, helping Chelsea will be hard.

"No, I don't know where she could possibly be. We've searched around California and she couldn't of gone far on bare foot! What if she's gone again babe? What will we do then?" Wilmer's voice broke down the line to his wife as he asked her questioned she couldn't answer, Wilmer then started screaming Chelsea's name out loud wherever he was.

"Wil, calm down! Just keep looking, she will be there. I will call Steph to ask about Chelsea's condition and why she ran off like that, I'll ask her where she might be." Demi was trying to be calm for her husbands sake as he could break down any moment, Wilmer whispered an, "Okay", before Demi ended the call to immediately phone Steph. She'd kept her number incase she'd needed it which she knew that she would quite often now.

"Hello, Demi? Is everything okay?" She heard Steph's concerned voice as Steph knew Demi wouldn't call her unless something was wrong with Chelsea. It was early in the morning over where Steph was but didn't mind as something could of happened to Chelsea, as she was always worse a nights. All of Chelsea's demons came out at night but if Chelsea was out with friends which was always then she wouldn't think about anything except having fun.

"Chelsea, she'd gotten angry and ran off. We can't find her and I need to know why she'd run in off so quickly?" She spoke so quickly that Steph barely understood but managed to make it out, Demi then listened closely at Steph's words as it could be an important reason.

"I don't think she'd had her anger issue tablets, I put them in her suitcase but under all of her clothes. She had to take them every morning or she could get angry at the slightest thing, you will have to go through her things and take all of her tablets out. Also, when she comes into your house check her pockets and don't ask me why because you will see in a minute. When she gets mad sometimes she'll punch things like I told you about her episodes she was her she flips out for no reason or other times she'll run off to calm herself down. Usually it wouldn't happen if she's out with friends like she always was but I think it might go worse now that she hasn't got them around, she'll go back don't worry." Demi nodded at the new information before sighing, she didn't want Chelsea to get worse and suddenly a thought came into her head which made her smile.

"Thank you, Steph." Demi texted Wilmer to tell him to come home as there was no point because she'd come home on her own. Demi wanted to apologise to Chelsea for saying it and made a note to search Chelsea's bag, she had to be more stern with her or Chelsea would never listen to her.

"Demi, when Chelsea goes back can you tell her to ring? I've missed her." Steph sighed, she'd missed not having Chelsea in her life anymore along with Tony because they'd never gone any longer than a day without her and not being able to see her was hell. That reminded Demi she had to get Chelsea a phone as she'd have to start interacting more in California.

"Of course, thank you again." Demi ended the call just as Wilmer entered the house, she immediately ran towards him while he held a confused expression. Wondering why his wife called him back if Chelsea still wasn't home yet but knew she had a plan when she was smiling up towards him.

"What? Is Chelsea back? Why're you smiling?" Wilmer asked her, Demi still grinning but quickly to him why she was so happy and about what Steph said on the phone to her to help.

"I rang Steph and she said that she would come back which I trust her and when she does to check her pockets for some unknown reason. We need to make sure come I takes he'd tablets which is the reason why she got mad so easily and its upstairs in her suitcase so go and get them when I'm finished. Also, she said that in the night Chelsea is at her worst but with her friends she finds it easy to clam down when she is out wit them. I came up with something, every 3/4 months we invite her friends here for 1/2 weeks with her to help her and then will help her calm down?" Demi smiled at the idea but solemn just raised his eyebrow.

"You want to invite 5 strange children into our home? What about their family?" Wilmer crossed his arms, not liking the thought of this but Demi rolled her eyes at Wilmer's protective side. The house was sure big enough for the 5 of them to have rooms or even share if they wanted but Wilmer was wary.

"There not strange Wilmer, they've been helping our daughter! I heard that their families don't care and also they live in a rundown town so they'll be happy to down to California." Demi couldn't help but be proud at her thoughts and Wilmer knew that she wasn't going to stop annoying him so he instantly nodded but as he walked up the stairs he shouted back down.

"Don't think that they'll be living her and become our child,the because their not! They'll stay for 2 weeks tops then there out, I hate teenagers. Except my daughter." Wilmer grumbled up the stairs as Demi rolled her eyes at him, he hated children more as Demi loved them and she was the kindest.

"Such a grump!" Demi shouted but before they could argue anymore the front door was opening which Demi immediately ran to quickly. She raised her eyebrow seeing the 14 year old with a frown on her face, bloody knuckles but her cast still on but was shivering, she looked up to Demi with a guilty expression.

"I'm sorry."

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now