Chapter 19: Addictive.

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Demi pulled her daughter into a hug, not wanting to upset her anymore but noticing she was shivering from the cold so she immediately grabbed a blanket for the couch. Nathan hugged Chelsea's legs while a huge grin broke out on his face knowing that his sister was okay but as he did Demi pulled out Chelsea's pockets but as she did she was shocked by what she saw.

"C-Chelsea!" Demi stuttered out and that's when Chelsea turned from her little brother towards her mother but following her mothers eyes to the floor only for her eyes to widen in panic. Oh no, they found it. Wait, did she just go in my pocket? Chelsea questioned but was frozen to the spot.

"N-Nathan, sweetie. Go up to daddy please." Demi whispered out after minutes of awkward silence, Nathan look to the bag in confusion but shrugged and ran up the stairs with a smile on his face. Before Chelsea knelt down to grab the bag which appeared to be cocaine and heroine which Chelsea was finally able to get while running through the streets and finding an alley way, Demi swooped it up before she could.

"Family meeting. That means to go to the kitchen counter, now!" Demi's voice was a whisper and although her voice was calm and soothing Chelsea knew that it was a threatening voice, Demi said it coldly and didn't understand why her daughter could do such thing at a young age. 14 years old. Without words, Chelsea eyed the bag for a few seconds before walking out and towards the kitchen counter. She sighed when leaving the room, Demi was finding out all of her secrets before she'd even been in the house for 2 days and she hated that. Minutes later Demi and Wilmer beside her appeared by her side, Wilmer kissing her head for comfort as Chelsea realised Demi had been crying.

"We found out you have medication to take for your anger issues? I rang Steph and she told me to take rings out of your pockets when you return home. I just caught you out and from now on, your not leaving my side." Demi's voice was stern but she was about to break down at any moment and Chelsea's attention went to the bag of drugs that was now on the counter along with her tablets she'd hidden so she didn't have to take them. She hated taking them, it made her look like a freak as she took 5 tablets every morning!

"Are you addicted?" Wilmer spoke up, his question blunt and no emotion to it but tears were threatening to floor but before Chelsea tried to think of an excuse she knew there was no way of getting out of it. She was caught and there was no point still denying it but suddenly the words 'Stay Strong' tattooed on both Demi's wrist made her take a deep breath before replying,

"No, I only take it to numb the pain. I like the feeling. I'm sorry for bringing it into your house Demi after what you went through, I know I want a fresh start here but how can I do it? I'm scared..." Chelsea gave up, not wanting to fight with Demi or Wilmer anymore as Demi's words on her wrist face her confidence.

"Baby girl, you can't start the next chapter in your life if your still re-reading the last one! You need to stop this. You don't need it. Listen, I want you to come with me for a moment..." Demi held her hand out for Chelsea to take which she instantly did, tears fallen from her eyes as she realised she didn't want to do drugs but didn't know how to forget the pain. Anger was built up inside of her and she didn't know how to let go and move on with her life. Demi and Chelsea walked down the hallway towards a room that Chelsea hadn't been in yet making her eyebrows raise in curiosity, Demi stepped into the dark room and switched the light on at the side of her making it clear.

"A music room? Is this where you produce songs?" Chelsea asked, her eyes travelling around the room which on one corner had multiple guitars hanging on the wall and one of them on the couch what Demi must've been using, a white piano in the other corner which looked brand knew, a drum set in the middle of the room which made her smile at the memory.

Flashback. 11 years ago.

"Momma! Can we go to drum?" The 3 year old asked excitedly, running into her mothers arms who was smiling how she finally got to spend time with her daughter without anybody. Demi had been trying to teach the 3 year old what to do on the guitar and drums but she only wanted to play.

"Alright, but not for long!" Demi replied but knowing her daughter won't want to leave the room as Demi has to hold a wailing and squirming Chelsea in her arms out of the music room because she never wanted to leave. Crying to stay in there Demi had made a promise to take her in to there every night until she fell asleep so she'd stop crying so much.

"I wanna go to the drums!" Chelsea grinned, her brunette hair bouncing when she runs as she always had curls in it. Her brown eyes light up in amusement at all the new things that is so uninteresting but to her it's like she's experiencing something amazing and it's what Demi loves.

"We can only stay for awhile baby girl as Wilmer would be home soon, you love daddy a right?" The sound of her dad made her squeal in delight at how excited she was and making Demi laugh as her daughter ran towards the drum set in the middle of the room.

"You read-" Demi didn't get to finish her sentence as when she sat the little girl who looked so much like her she picked the two drum sticks and hitting it anywhere only caring in the sounds it made making her laugh louder and two front teeth come out.

Flashback End.

Demi loved seeing her daughter so happy, laughing like any little girl should be at that age and only wished she could replay that moment over and over again so she didn't have to see Chelsea so broken at the moment. Chelsea instantly walked over towards the drum set and softly picked up the same drum sticks she'd had years before and wished she could of stayed that way. So she didn't have to grow up in a world of pain and horrifying.

She softly banged one of the sticks against the drum making it bounce back and to her smile at the sound, it brought back so many memories for both of them that Chelsea laughed loudly at some of them. Her smile then slowly fading thinking about the person she turned into, looking up to Demi she whimpered,

"I'm sorry for blaming you, it wasn't your fault I was taken. It was Joe's, I just wished that I'd gotten to spend the years getting to know you. So I wouldn't be uncomfortable around you and act like a stranger to you when I shouldn't be, I do want your help. I'm not sure if I can do it though, what if I screw up? I don't know where to start, how do I give up drugs when they was the only thing that had been there for me when other people couldn't." Chelsea sighed, walking over towards the other side of the room to see a glass window and behind it was a mic and a stand to sit on, a recording room. Demi walked towards her daughter, her arms wrapped around her neck from behind and her head fell on top of her hair. She inhaled Chelsea's sent and smiled at the Vanilla and strawberry together, she loved it. She closed her eyes and let the moment with her daughter sink in before speaking.

"I should've protected you Chelsea, tired my best to keep you in my life and broke down when you left. You was my angel- you still are and now that I've got you back we can rebuild our relationship, I'm going to help you. If you screw up then I'll be there for you to fall back on and I'll pick up the pieces, everything will work out because I'm going to go through every step of the way. The drugs was there for you but now I am beautiful, I'm your mother and I'm not letting you go now. I'll go through every step and the first step is getting rid of drugs which you did, good work baby girl. Now the next step..." Demi looked around the room before smiling.

"The next step is to put all your thoughts onto paper... Then make it into a song." The smirk on Demi's face was clear which was made Chelsea disapprove.

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