Chapter 34: Years And Years.

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Demi stopped Chelsea from going to school, preferred it if she got homeschooled as she wasn't chancing anything anymore. She wanted to go down to the school and hit the bullies that was a disgrace to her, they didn't know how much it hurt people or destroyed them emotionally.

"Hey baby girl! Listen, we've been in all alone and I thought you'd like to go out. The two of us, we can't continue to quietness." Demi walked into the living room carrying groceries with her as her daughter sat slouched against the couch watching crime showed, yeah Demi had got her addicted so they'd always sit watching them together.

"You should go on tour, now that you and Wilmer aren't together what've you got that'll stop you? We sit in here all day and I'm bored, you should go but only if I'm coming with you." Chelsea stuck her tongue out childishly at her mom while she walked out to the kitchen, placing them on the table before walking back to her daughter. Demi notched how much her daughter had changed, she wasn't angry or holding emotions up anymore and hadn't had an angry moment yet where she'd destroy everything. Demi noticed how changed she was since the incident but noticed that Chelsea feared a lot of things.

"I don't know Chels, the reason why I'm getting divorce is because of this tour. I will think about it but of course you'll come too, you might even meet my team." Demi kissed her daughters head, she was hesitant on moving on with her tour but decided to try for Chelsea.

"Alright, we can go out. Go and change! We can go anywhere you want and we'll have fun, something he haven't had in awhile." Chelsea grinned before rushing of upstairs, she hated doing online school as if bored her. She was clever enough to know the stuff but she got bored a lot or either got distracted, s she ran Demi sighed thinking about her divorce. The house felt empty without Wilmer and her son that she hasn't seen in weeks, without thinking she rushed to the kitchen cabinet which held the stuff that sent her numb. It released her and as much as she hated doing it while her daughter was around she couldn't stop, she'd have to go to the court in only two days and it scared her. Facing him, she wanted to scream at him but also wanted to hug him and tell him to hold her forever.

Demi was protecting Chelsea but who was going to protect her?

The feeling that she loved kicked in but after she through the empty bag in the bin she instantly felt guilty for doing it, which she felt every time she done it. Her daughter had only just recovered over a drug addiction and yet Demi was having drugs around the house while taking them whenever she could, what kind of mother was that?

"Mom, where are we going? Oh! Can we go to a amusement park? I've never been to one before but I always wanted to!" Chelsea's eyes lit up in excitement and Demi unknowingly smiled at how fascinated her daughter was , nodding her head Chelsea raced out to the car but only to get a call from Carly. She hadn't spoken to her friends since the day she'd been up in hospital but knew they worried about her.

"Carly! I've missed you." Chelsea squealed down the phone to her best friend but stopped as her eyes widen, wow I'm turning into a girly girl. Chelsea frowned as she only just realised being with Demi and in California with a lot of money changed her a lot but she wasn't complaining, she somehow liked the new her.

"Since when do you squeal? You do remember me right, oh my god! I think somebody stole Chelsea and replaced her with a new her." Carly dramatically went on, she must've been speaking to her other friends in the background because they was immediately on the phone shouting to her.

"Are you okay? That was stupid of you Chelsea! You've never overdosed before, do you want to come back to us because you miss us? Wow, you've changed." Chelsea had different questions threw at her but she only listened, she missed how but turning to see the huge mansion in front of her as she fastened her seatbelt she knew that this lifestyle was hers now and couldn't turn back even if she wanted to.

"I'm fine. Yes Carly I still remember you, still a drama queen as always. I didn't know I was taking so much drugs and honestly it scared me too, I've been getting better and I've even called Demi mom. A lot as happened over the past coup,e of weeks since I got back. Actually, I think I'm starting to like the new lifestyle and as weird as it sounds I like being with Demi because it reminds me of when I was younger. Demi and Wilmer is getting a divorce because of me which I feel bad about but I like it being just me and Demi. Maybe living in California might not be so bad?" Demi heard gasps at the other end of the line as she only smiled when Demi rushed out, her phone in her hand  as she looked down which only made her run into the car door and making Chelsea burst out laughing.

"Only you could do that mom, are you okay?" Chelsea asked between laughs as Demi glared at her from the floor, her friends heard the conversation and was shocked at how much Chelsea had changed form who she was only months ago. Demi pouted as she lift herself of the dirty floor and wiping herself off.

"Ow! That hurt. Hey! Stop laughing you meanie." Demi stuck her tongue out as Chelsea continued to laugh until finally it quietened, if only Chelsea knew that Demi didn't r into the car door because she was looking down. Her eyes was blurry due to the drugs in her body and was messing with her head, the only problem was... Demi didn't know how worse it was going to get from driving while on drugs.

"Chelsea! You've changed so much but we all spoke and decided to stick by your side, even if your not the crazy, carefree, wild child we loved back only months ago. You've got your family and we're happy that your happy." Lauren surprisingly spoke up down the phone that time but Chelsea smiled, things was finally coming together.

"Ay! I'm still the carefree, crazy, wild child trust me. That part of me will never disappear." The laughs down the phone as Chelsea smirked but Demi's focus was only on the road ahead. Her head was spinning and could hardly see what was coming until she heard Chelsea scream her name.

"Mom! Your on the wrong side of the road..."

Carly frowned when the phone line went dead and all that was heard was a beeping noise... The call was disconnected which made them all scream in fear for Chelsea.

Chelsea's phone fell from her hand as she rushed to her moms side, screaming for her to stop the car but as much as Demi tried her body was limp. Demi could feel herself slowly falling as her vision became hazy and hardly seen her daughters face so in an instant she whispered, "Jump out now!" Her voice tried to come out stern as if an order to her daughter but it was only weak.

Without hesitation Chelsea shook her head, she'd never leave her mom but she felt the car swerving into each lane and each time it did turn quickly it would pull on her seat belt and she'd hit her head against the cushion of the seat. "No!" Before Chelsea had gotten another word in she felt everything come to a stop and feel pain in her legs and right arm before she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer.

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