Chapter 30: Family War.

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Wilmer looked towards his wife with visible shock and anger on his face, as much as everybody else in the room which included Madison as she also wanted the best for Chelsea. Madison held Chelsea other hand and continued to kiss her head every couple minutes as the silence continued.

"Oh, didn't tell your husband huh? Selfish, again. Your wife is leaving in a couple weeks for another tour and hadn't even told you." Dallas didn't know why she was so angry with Demi but she needed to let out anger and it was all for Demi. Wilmer dropped Demi's hand from his as he stood up, staring at Demi before shaking his head in disapproval and before Demi had a chance to explain Wilmer was out form the door.

"I was telling him when I had the time, not when our daughter is in hospital!" Demi spat back at her sister, angry at her for making the situation with Wilmer worse. As much as she wanted to run after Wilmer she had a daughter to stay with and she was more important than anything at the moment so she stayed put, Dallas ignored the comment from her sister when Diana fave her a warning look so as Dallas went beside Madison to kiss Chelsea head softly and whisper sweet things into her ear, Diana sat next to her daughter and let Demi lie on her as Wilmer was absent.

"Look Demi, I'm not saying that it's a good idea but I'm not happy with how your going about my granddaughters drug problem. It's hit a stage were she could have died Demi and you never stopped it. Im not sure whether to agree with Dallas if Chelsea should stay with her but why not try it out, Chelsea seemed to settle more with her. How couldn't you have noticed she'd got the drugs?" Demi's mouth dropped open as she at least thought her mom was on her side, she hated the thought of giving Chelsea another home even when it was only her sister. Chelsea didn't want to move house to house and Demi knew she'd hate it.

"Just like you didn't know I had drugs?" Demi spat back at her mom which hit a nerve as Diana sucked in a breath to try and calm down from Demi's words but she wanted to cry. Diana always blamed herself for Demi's behaviour in the past and whenever it would come up she'd quieten down, even when Demi explained it wasn't her but Demi was mad at everybody in the moment which is why she came out with such a harsh response.

"Don't talk to mom like that!" Madison spoke up to get sister, a frown on her face at get older sisters words. She noticed how it hurt her mom even when she was trying to help so always defended her mom over anything, Demi was her role model for her past and loved Demi for being strong but at the moment she didn't agree with how Demi was handling everything. Although, Demi never did handle situations with the best actions which explains her past. Demi was shocked hearing her younger sisters voice and the flare she sent Demi as Madison had never spoke harshly towards her and was always on Demi's side, she didn't know that Madison was in the room.

"Mads..." Demi sighed, rubbing her temples as if attempting to smooth her headache that had formed and was pounding at the back of her head. Dallas hadn't spoken at all but listened as she softly strokes her nieces face, hating looking at her in such a lifeless position that she was in. "Baby girl, I really hope you remember me when you awake." Dallas whispered, scared incase she forgets her name as she hadn't spoken to Chelsea much.

"No Demi! I always take your side because you are usually right but when it comes to your daughter you don't think things through as you only want Chelsea beside you. Well her being beside you has caused her to be in that state, she should live with Dallas because next time it won't be as lucky for her to pull through. I love you Dem but your hurting Chelsea worse and I don't even know how as your usually the helpful when it comes to situations like this with other of your fans." Madison spoke truthfully, her mom smiled at her daughter and how wise she was for such a young age.

"When your a mom, you panic when it comes to your daughter or son. Their your blood and you want the best for them Mads, I don't want her taken away form me again." The start of Demi's sentence was aimed at Madison but the last part was for her mom to hear as she fell into her moms embrace wants again but only wishing Wilmer was holding her through it as he could calm her down the best.

"Demi, maybe we can only try it out for a week when she wakes up. Let's just concentrate on her getting better and improving, making sure she can remember us is the main priority then we will decided it later on." Diana calmed her daughter, which helped. Demi turned her attention back to her daughter and wondered if she was doing a bad job of being a teenage mother? She was used to having only toddlers as she last seen Chelsea up to 6 years old and Nathan is only 4 years old, then wondered what she was doing wrong.

"Your not doing anything, Demi! Most Teenagers aren't like Chelsea, she's a struggle because she's in a bad state. When it came to you I was panicked because with Dallas I never had the problem of bullying or self harming but when I heard about you I never knew how to react. Now it's the same with Chelsea for you. You learn as you go on, figure out what's best for her and you've got us throughout the situation to tell you what is best. I now your nervous but when Chelsea wakes up which I assure you she will then we can change everything in her life for the better, okay?" Diana spoke to her daughter in a caring manner which made Demi feel bad for being bitter with her mom before but most importantly Demi listened to her moms advice. Looking up from her hand intwined with Chelsea's to her oldest sister Dallas only smiled at Demi before turning away which Demi knew that Dallas wasn't happy with her so choose to speak to get about it another time.

"Thank you mom, I'm sorry for being such a bitch but I'm just- Chelsea is- well you understand." Diana chuckled but nodded towards her daughters stuttering, Demi smiled down to Chelsea and kissed her hand, she chuckled at the thought because if Chelsea was awake she'd shout at Demi for kissing her hand or cheek.

"I need you to wake up, Chels. Just so I can stop worrying and putting my nerves on edge, I love you. I'm sorry but when you do wake up I'm going to be stricter and there is no more nice momma because what happened could of killed you and I couldn't live with myself to know I was the reason for it." Tears slowly trailed down Demi's fresh faced with no make up on as she hated the thought of Chelsea leaving her for good.

"Demi! What happened? We just seen Wilmer at home backing a small bag and saying he needed to stay at a hotel but he'll come and stay with Chelsea. Oh my god!" Carly stopped her panicked voice when seeing her best friend in a horrific state, normally she'd always see Chelsea laughing or either being sarcastic with her signature smirk on her face but it everything changed.

"Wait? Wilmer's staying at a hotel!" Demi shot up from the hospital chair with a shocked look on her face trying to process the new information. Wilmer hadn't stayed at a hotel to be away from Demi in years and that was only when they had a huge argument because of Demi's pregnancy hormones with Nathan. Demi didn't realise it was so serious as she only didn't tell him about it but surely would of told him sooner or later. Demi's phone buzzed against her leg which she'd forgotten was there but quickly struggled to get it through her tight, skinny jeans pocket.

Wilmer- I need space away from you Demi. I do everything you want, give you everything but what I get in return is you hiding things from me! I'll stay by your side at the hospital because of our daughter but don't count on me talking to you because I won't want to argue in front of our unconscious daughter.

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now