Chapter 25: American School Might Not Be So Bad.

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Chelsea stepped into the hallway of the school which was empty, class must've already began but the school was much different to British ones. It was like something out of High School Musical but this time nobody was dancing, she wanted to walk back out but wanted to stay for her moms sake. She didn't know where to go, looking around there was no signs on the wall like they had back in her old school.

"Who was no signs up saying we're to go?" Chelsea hissed to herself, she already hated this school but went in different directions to find the receptionist. Finally after 10 minutes of her cussing out nobody and nearly walking out of the school she found it in the left side of the building. Walking in she had a sour look in her face while the receptionist who was a brunette smiled towards her.

"Why the fuck isn't the reception office at the front of the building? Do you just want the students to go on a journey." Chelsea had taken her tablets in the morning but sometimes she could snap at people or get angry it just depends in what mood she's in. The receptionist looked taken back so she frowned at the foul language before Chelsea realised she was mean.

"I'm sorry, that was uncalled for. Want a Starbucks?" Chelsea shrugged, she'd gotten two for the price of one and didn't want to carry two around. The receptionist smiled towards her before taking the cappuccino from her hand, then her American accent came out.

"Thank you. Even though your not suppose to drink Starbucks in school I know that your the troublemaker so I'll also Mr. Dale to deal with you. Go through." She chuckled and I winked at her playfully while walking towards the direction she just motioned towards, wondering who Mr. Dale is.

"Ah, Ms Lovato. Your half an hour late?" A man rose from behind his desk with a black suit on and shook her hand, he had blonde hair and didn't look old at all as she thought he'd been much older. He looked down at his watch before raising his eyebrows at Chelsea while she rose hers back, almost challenging him and She knew that this school is strict. Way to go Demi, Chelsea thought to herself.

"Who's fault is that? Putting a office on the other side of the building, some advice children won't be late if you put it but the entrance of the school. Can I go now?" Chelsea crossed her arms with a glare on her face and instantly the head teacher knew she was going to be a challenge.

"No. I spoken to your mom a couple days ago and she wants the best for you, I assured her that I'd not allow you to do whatever you like and NOT to break the rules. We do not allow attitude, wrong clothing or violence in our school and you've already broken 2/3." The man folded his arms too, Chelsea looked confused as she'd only been in the school for 30 minutes. How do I not do anything wrong but still manage to get into trouble? Chelsea smirked to herself.

"Your uniform is wrong, pull your skirt down, pull your socks up, button your shirt up, fix your tie and put your blazer on! Now, your attitude is going to be a big problem but nothing that we can't fix." Chelsea scowled at the man as he pointed towards her uniform.

"I'm not doing that! I don't want to look like a damn nun. Now, I'll have my timetable and be off." She disobeyed him and put her hand out to get her timetable, he didn't hand her it so seeing it on the desk she immediately grabbed it without permission. She smirked before walking out of the mans office, before shouting back to him.

"Oh and it's so nice to meet you. Thank you for the huge welcome at Holden Academy, it's going to be fun arguing with you the next couple of years- that's if I don't get kicked out." Chelsea said sarcastically but the woman on the computers chuckled at her as she walked out it with her blazer in her arms because it was hot. The timetable in her arms,
Period 1: Mr Beckham- English. G21
Period 2: Free Period.
Period 3: Ms Angle- Math. S31
Period 4: Mr Ross- History. F14
Period 5: P.E. G02

"Oh this is going to be fun." Chelsea followed her timetable towards English, she was always good at English but would give up easily if she couldn't do anything and it was the same for math. When she turned a corner she noticed some guys and girls was huddled in a corner but once the smell hit her she rose her eyebrows, the was doing joints. She was tempted to walk away but she hadn't had one in days, Demi's voice was ringing in her head to not do it but the smell got the best of her and she walked over.

"Yo girl!" The guy with blonde curly hair and freckles smirked at her b you could tell he was high as his eyes was closed over slightly and he was smiling for no reason at all. That's what she needed, she'd missed having the numb feeling and wanted to get rid of everything she was feeling, every emotion gone. She immediately took of the $150 that she had left over form the shopping trip with Wilmer and some of it Demi gave her for school, guilt took over her but as much as she wanted to walk away for her mothers sake she gave in.

"What do you have?" The girl beside her widened her eyes, it was probably because Chelsea didn't look the type of girl to have drugs from her appearance. She looked hot and a good girl but she was the total opposite form what the outside told people, she smirked at the girl and held a finger to her lips as to say 'shh'. The looked around in fear of somebody walking out on them before he held out a small back of cocaine which made Chelsea smirk, the thing she'd missed the most. In the end she'd taken multiple joints, cigarettes, lighters, cocaine and marijuana and hid them some in her blazer pocket from everybody and hid the rest in her bag making sure it was hidden.

"Why are you in the hallways? Lesson!" She heard a stern voice and knew it was a teacher so without looking made her way to class, she was already over with this day and wanted to be back at home with Demi and Wilmer. Her eyes widen at what's she'd thought, her home was in California with Demi and Wilmer, her real parents. Wow that sounded strange to her as she chuckled to herself, but she admit that she liked it so far and was finally fitting in with her mom. She knew nothing good would come out of the drugs she'd gotten but nobody had to know right?

"Your late. Ah, you must be the new girl. Chelsea?" She walked in the classroom and all eyes was on her, she looked to the front seeing a man to look in his forties smiling fakely at her so she smirked at him.

"I'm not late. Your just early." Chelsea stuck her tongue out at the man childishly earning a few giggles in the classroom at her immaturity as the teacher rolled his eyes at the young girl. The tables was separate in that school which in her old school they had two at a desk so she looked around finding two spare seats, one at the back or at the front.

"Yes, Ms Lovato. I've heard about your troublemaker ways, take a seat... I'm Mr. Beatle-" Chelsea stopped the man with a disgusted look as she moved towards the back but stopped half way to turn back of him. Everybody else had shocked looks on their faces when he said 'Lovato' but Chelsea expected that as she'd been all over the news lately and had been getting tired of it already. At least everybody else looked as awful as her in those horrible school uniforms so that was an advantage for her.

"Wow dude! I feel sorry for you... Your mom is evil for calling you a Beatle but in his defence I think he might be getting at something." The laughter echoed and Chelsea turned confused on why everybody laughed at her words but in her old school everybody was used to her comedy so they ignored her laughing and pranks.

"Headmasters office, now!"

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now