Chapter 26: I Hate Paparrazi.

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Demi had only 3 days before she had to go back on tour and even though she'd only just found out she knew it wouldn't be easy telling Chelsea she'd have to stay without her. Demi wondered what it would be like leaving her as Nathan was already used to going off with his mom but Chelsea had only just started school so Wilmer had organised to do his work in his office WV Enterprise which Chelsea had never been to.

It'd been two hours since Chelsea was put into school and Demi didn't know what to do as her two daughter and son was out of the house and Wilmer was working, she'd have to tel all three of them that she was going on a Future Now Tour and even when she tried to postpone it as she'd only just seen Chelsea she couldn't. Chelsea's friends left the house but only smiled innocently when asked were but Demi was too focuses on the phone call to notice them so waved them off.

Chelsea took of from the school, her eyes clear with anger and when Chelsea was like that her family knew not to talk to her. She'd only been in the school for over an hour and had already caused so much trouble the school didn't know how to handle it, her eyes were bloodshot as they always went like that when she was angry and her nose was bleeding viscously that it dripped onto her white school shirt she'd been wearing.


Chelsea was already bored with the day and it was only 1st lesson so she decided to ask to go to the bathroom, she hated the school already as it wasn't so great anymore. You couldn't even laugh without getting scowled at by a teacher, what kind of school is this? She shook her head as she headed throughout the corridors.

"Well, it's the new girl! I remember you, I actually used to envy you as a little girl but then I found out what you turned into. A drug addict. A orphan. And a ugly, fat-" Chelsea stopped the girl who she didn't now yet already hated her with a punch to her face making the girl fall back and hit her head against the lockers behind her.

"I don't know how you are, but I suggest you stay away from me because if you carry on with those words... It isn't going to end up well for you." Chelsea smirked towards the girl, but even when the girls lip was bleeding she still managed to chuckle at Chelsea.

"I never knew Chelsea Lovato- the famous daughter of Demi Lovato is actually a bitch. Who knew huh? Well, I'm Adriana. My dad owns business' all over the world obviously, how didn't you know that? You should of seen my name on TV. Oh wait, the little girl was kidnapped. I think your drug addict of a mother didn't want you, I don't understand why since you just like her... A drug addict." The girl, Adriana's voice was taunting and was trying to provoke a reaction out of Chelsea and she knew that but couldn't help but clench her fist as the girl mentioned her mom. There was 3 girls with her but they stayed back, warily of Chelsea as they seen her eyes turn and clench fists, she was getting pissed off.

"Adriana, I think you should just stop." One of them whispered, not liking were it was heading but of course the brown haired girl ignored her friend and continued. Chelsea already knew that the girl in front of her was queen b of the school and already wanted to hurt her.

"Your really pissing me off now, don't talk about my family." Chelsea was to angered to notice she said 'my family', as soon as she did the girl continued with a smirk on her face knowing she was provoking Chelsea to get angry but none of them had seen her when she was angry.

"Why? Where's your daddy? Jail. What did he do? Hurt you, ooh even better... Was he the one that kidnapped you? You probably deserved it, every drug addict deserves what they get. Just like your mom, I'm just damned that she couldn't have taken her cutting all the way and killed herself-" Before Adriana had another word in Chelsea punched her repeatedly, knocking her to the floor but it didn't stop her from punching her over in the face as the girl underneath screamed for help. Chelsea lost control, all she seen was red as she did when she got mad and attacked, she didn't care if she'd hurt anybody. Even though Adriana tried to get a few punches and kicks in Chelsea hardly felt the pain as she was used to it, getting in fights. The three girls above ran for help as Chelsea screamed at the girl.

"Don't ever talk about my mom like that!" Chelsea spat but as she got one last kick to the girl she was dragged away, she didn't know who by but she didn't care. She seen them helping the girl who's face was now bleeding and she was crying- over dramatically and telling the people around her that Chelsea tried to kill her. Even her friends rolled their eyes but as people was shouting for her she took of running, down the hallways.

End flashback-

Now Chelsea sat, blood all over her clothes and a black eye as she smoked on the curb of some posh houses. She didn't know where she was but she didn't care, having the joint calmed her down in more ways than anybody ever could accept Demi but at the time Chelsea's thoughts wasn't on Demi. That's when paparazzi appeared, snapping pictures left, right and centre and shouting.

"Chelsea why're you on your own?"

"What happened?"

"Are you okay?"

"Are you doing drugs?"

"Where's Demi?"

Questions were flew at her but she ignored them, grabbing the bag that held the droid as she rushed passed them. Running to get away but it didn't stop them from catching pictures, she rushed down the street until they gave up following her but she fell next a Walmart. Out of breath she leant over to try to get air to her lungs as the air pushed her hair backwards, she loved California. It was hot but the wind kept the breeze nice and she could run anywhere, there was more space than in her old town and wondered if Steph could move out there.

As she stepped into a store opposition Walmart to buy something with the rest of the money from the drugs the news was on the other side but you could still hear it. "Devon Lovato seen in what appears to be a school uniform but with bloody stains on it? Also the younger girl appears to be hiding drugs in her bag? Has the little girl that we all used to know and love turned into a messed up teen?"

"Okay that was pretty harsh! I hate paparazzi." Chelsea muttered, rushing to the drink section as she felt tired. She knew the pictures would get out everywhere and Demi and Wilmer would see them but at the time she didn't care, she just wanted to go hone to Steph so she could hug her instead of being with Demi.

Demi shot up at the news, watching her 14 year old daughter rush down the street her mouth dropped. Her eye was black also her nose and lip was bloody, she rushed out of the house to find her daughter. Wilmer phoned Demi from the car which she instantly connected too, both knowing what they was going to say.

"What happened? Why is she like that Dem? Was that her dumbass friends because if it was there going straight back to their homes." Wilmer shouted from the other end and Demi knew he'd freak out, even though she wanted to talk to him about the tour now wasn't the right time so she let it drop.

"I don't know, I left her over 3 hours ago at school. How could she be like that? Oh god, my baby girl." Demi muttered as she drove around but finally landed on her daughter who was sat outside shops with a drink in her hand. Demi was having doubts about sending her to school and she knew it wasn't good but decided to try it out anyway, she stepped out of the car with her sunglasses on in front of her daughter who'd frowned seeing Demi in front of her.

"I don't think I like American school anymore..."

Abandoned. (Sequel to The Life Of Chelsea Jonas Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now